1. 破旧的,破败的 - The brokendown house had been abandoned for years. (这座破旧的房子已经废弃多年了。) - The brokendown car was towed away from the accident scene. (那辆破旧的汽车被拖离了事故现场。) 2. 身体虚弱的,垮掉的 - After working long hours, I felt brokendown and exhausted. (工作了长时间后,我感到筋疲力尽。) - The brokendown athlete struggled to finish the race. (身体虚弱的运动员努力完成比赛。)名词
1. 故障,损坏 - The brokendown of the computer was caused by a power surge. (电脑的故障是由于电压突变引起的。) - The brokendown of the communication system disrupted the entire operation. (通信系统的故障打乱了整个操作。) 2. 身体垮掉的状态 - He suffered a brokendown after months of stress and overwork. (他在数月的压力和过度工作后身体垮掉了。) - The brokendown of his health forced him to take a break from work. (他因健康状态垮掉而被迫休息一段时间。)词语辨析
- brokendown vs. dilapidated - Brokendown强调物体因年久失修或损坏而导致的破败,而dilapidated则更侧重于物体的老化和破坏。 - The brokendown bridge is no longer safe to cross. (这座破败的桥已经不再安全可过。) - The dilapidated building was scheduled for demolition. (这座破旧的建筑物已计划拆除。)词汇扩充
- brokendown house (破旧的房子) - brokendown car (破旧的汽车) - brokendown machinery (故障的机器) - brokendown relationship (破裂的关系) - brokendown body (垮掉的身体)近义词
- dilapidated (破旧的) - run-down (破旧的) - decrepit (破败的) - deteriorated (恶化的)反义词
- well-maintained (维护良好的) - functional (功能正常的) - sturdy (坚固的) - intact (完好无损的)柯林斯词典
- brokendown (adj. 破旧的,垮掉的。名词 brokendownness) - If a vehicle or machine is brokendown, it is not working because it has a fault. (如果一辆车辆或机器是brokendown,说明它因故障而无法工作。)牛津词典
- brokendown (adj. 破旧的;身体垮掉的) - (of a vehicle or machine) having stopped working because of a fault. ((指车辆或机器)因故障而停止工作的。) - (of a person) weak and in poor health. ((指人)虚弱而身体状况不佳的。)用法
- The brokendown car caused a traffic jam. (破旧的汽车引起了交通堵塞。) - She was brokendown after the long illness. (她在长期疾病后垮掉了。) - The brokendown building was deemed unsafe. (这座破旧的建筑物被认为不安全。) - He lived in a brokendown shack on the outskirts of town. (他住在镇外一座破旧的小屋里。)例句
- The brokendown car was abandoned on the side of the road. (这辆破旧的汽车被遗弃在路边。)
- After years of neglect, the brokendown house was beyond repair. (经过多年的荒废,这座破旧的房子已经无法修复。)
- The brokendown machinery caused a halt in production. (故障的机器导致生产停止。)
- She felt brokendown and exhausted after working long hours. (工作了很长时间后,她感到筋疲力尽。)
- His brokendown health prevented him from participating in the marathon. (他垮掉的身体健康状况使他无法参加马拉松比赛。)
- The brokendown of their friendship was a result of constant arguments. (他们友谊的破裂是持续争吵的结果。)
- Despite its brokendown appearance, the old car still ran smoothly. (尽管外观破旧,这辆旧车仍然运行顺畅。)
- The brokendown road caused delays in the morning commute. (道路损坏导致上班早高峰延误。)
- His brokendownness was evident in his slumped posture and tired eyes. (他疲惫不堪的状态从他低垂的姿势和疲倦的眼睛中显而易见。)
- The brokendown of their marriage was a painful experience for both of them. (他们婚姻的破裂对他们俩来说都是一次痛苦的经历。)
- The brokendown bridge was closed for repairs. (这座破旧的桥因修理而关闭。)
- The brokendownness of the company's financial system led to its bankruptcy. (公司财务体系的破败导致了其破产。)
- She had a brokendown after the sudden loss of her job. (她因突然失业而垮掉了。)
- The brokendown of communication between the two teams caused misunderstandings. (两个团队之间的通信故障导致了误解。)
- He struggled to fix the brokendown machine. (他努力修理故障的机器。)
- The brokendown state of his car forced him to take public transportation. (他的车状况不佳,被迫使用公共交通工具。)
- She looked brokendown and pale after the illness. (疾病后,她看起来疲惫不堪、面色苍白。)
- The brokendownness of the company's infrastructure caused frequent outages. (公司基础设施的破败导致了频繁的停电。)
- He lived in a brokendown cottage by the sea. (他住在一座破旧的海边小屋里。)
- After the brokendown of their relationship, they decided to go their separate ways. (在关系破裂后,他们决定各走各的路。)
- The brokendownness of the old bridge made it unsafe for crossing. (这座旧桥的破败使得过桥不安全。)