detecting [dɪˈtɛktɪŋ]
- 感应的;检测的
detecting [dɪˈtɛktɪŋ]
- 探测;侦查
detect (verb):发现;察觉
detector (noun):探测器;检测器
detectable (adjective):可察觉的;可检测到的
undetectable (adjective):无法察觉的;无法检测到的
spotting, finding, discovering, discerning
missing, overlooking, ignoring
detect (dɪˈtɛkt)
- 动词
- 发现;察觉
- (尤指使用仪器)检测
detect (dɪˈtɛkt)
- 动词
- 发现;察觉
- (尤指使用仪器)探测
- She used a metal detector for detecting buried treasure. (她使用金属探测器来探测埋藏的宝藏。)
- The machine has a detecting device that can identify counterfeit banknotes. (这台机器有一个能够识别假币的检测装置。)
- Police dogs are trained in detecting drugs. (警犬接受了毒品侦查的训练。)
- He has a talent for detecting lies. (他有辨别谎言的天赋。)
- The detection of the disease at an early stage is crucial for effective treatment. (在疾病的早期阶段进行检测对于有效治疗至关重要。)
- The detection of a new planet has excited the scientific community. (发现新行星令科学界兴奋不已。)
- Detecting the presence of water on Mars is a significant scientific achievement. (在火星上探测到水的存在是一项重大的科学成就。)
- The detecting software can identify patterns of fraudulent activity. (这种检测软件能够识别欺诈行为的模式。)
- Modern technology has greatly improved the accuracy of detecting earthquakes. (现代技术极大地提高了地震探测的准确性。)
- Police officers are skilled in detecting suspicious behavior. (警察对于发现可疑行为很有技巧。)
- His keen eye for detail allows him to excel in detecting forged documents. (他对细节的敏锐洞察力使他在发现伪造文件方面出类拔萃。)
- We need to invest in better detecting equipment to improve our security measures. (我们需要投资更好的检测设备以提高我们的安全措施。)
- They developed a new method of detection that is faster and more accurate. (他们开发了一种更快、更准确的新检测方法。)
- The detection of gravitational waves confirmed Einstein's theory. (引力波的探测证实了爱因斯坦的理论。)
- Scientists are working on improving the detection of cancer at an early stage. (科学家正在努力改进早期癌症的检测。)
- Detection of the virus in the blood sample was a breakthrough in the research. (在血样中检测到病毒是研究的突破。)
- The detection of a gas leak prompted the evacuation of the building. (发现气体泄漏引发了撤离建筑物的行动。)
- He was praised for his quick detection of a security breach. (他因快速发现安全漏洞而受到赞扬。)
- The detection of a faulty wire prevented a potential fire. (发现了一根有问题的电线,避免了潜在的火灾。)
- Police used detection dogs to search for drugs in the suspect's car. (警方使用侦查犬在嫌疑人的车辆中搜查毒品。)
- He had a natural talent for detection and became a successful private investigator. (他天生具备侦查的天赋,成为一名成功的私家侦探。)