1. 情感上涌起的;感受强烈的
2. 情感上积聚的;内心充满的
1. 涌起;涌上
2. 涌动的情感
1. well up in:精通于
2. well up with tears:泪如泉涌
overflow, surge, rise, gush, flood
subside, recede, diminish
well up phrasal verb
- If a liquid wells up, it rises and comes out from under the ground.
- If a feeling wells up, it starts to affect you strongly.
well up phrasal verb
- (of a liquid) rise to the surface and spill or be about to spill.
- feel a strong emotion and show it in your expression or behaviour.
1. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
2. She could feel anger welling up inside her.
3. The water began to well up from the ground.
- Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched the emotional movie. (泪水涌上了她的眼眶,她看着这部感人的电影。)
- I could feel a sense of pride welling up inside me as I finished the marathon. (当我完成马拉松比赛时,我能感觉到一种自豪感在我内心涌动。)
- When the volcano erupted, lava welled up from beneath the surface. (当火山爆发时,岩浆从地下涌出。)
- Her eyes welled up with tears as she read the heartbreaking news. (她读到令人心碎的消息时,眼泪涌上了眼眶。)
- As he received the award, a feeling of gratitude welled up within him. (当他获得奖项时,一种感激之情在他内心涌起。)
- He could feel anger welling up inside him as he listened to the unfair accusations. (当他听到不公正的指责时,内心涌起了愤怒。)
- The water was welling up through the cracks in the pavement. (水从人行道的裂缝中涌出。)
- She tried to hide her emotions, but tears welled up in her eyes. (她试图隐藏自己的情感,但眼泪涌上了眼眶。)
- When she saw the surprise, a smile welled up on her face. (当她看到惊喜时,脸上涌现出微笑。)
- With each word, the pain in her heart welled up and she couldn't hold back her tears. (随着每一个字,她心中的痛楚涌上来,她无法抑制住眼泪。)
- She had to take a deep breath to control the emotions that were welling up inside her. (她不得不深呼吸来控制内心涌动的情感。)
- As the song played, memories from their past welled up and brought tears to their eyes. (随着歌曲的响起,他们过去的回忆涌上心头,让他们热泪盈眶。)
- When she saw the injured bird, compassion welled up in her and she rushed to help it. (当她看到受伤的鸟时,她心中涌起了同情之情,她冲上前去帮助它。)
- He tried to keep a straight face, but laughter welled up from deep within him. (他试图保持面无表情,但笑声从他内心深处涌出。)
- The news of her promotion made happiness well up inside her. (她晋升的消息让她内心涌起了幸福感。)
- She felt a surge of energy welling up in her as she prepared for the race. (当她为比赛做准备时,她感到一股能量涌上心头。)
- Her eyes welled up with tears as she listened to the touching eulogy. (她听着感人的悼词,眼泪涌上了眼眶。)
- As he spoke about his childhood, memories welled up and he couldn't help but smile. (当他谈论自己的童年时,回忆涌上心头,他忍不住笑了起来。)
- When she saw the sunset, a sense of awe welled up within her. (当她看到日落时,一种敬畏之情在她内心涌起。)
- As the music played, a wave of nostalgia welled up in him. (随着音乐的响起,一阵怀旧之情涌上他心头。)
- She couldn't help but smile as a sense of joy welled up inside her. (她忍不住笑了起来,一种喜悦之情涌上了她心头。)