- mistreated (adj.) - 受虐待的,受不公正对待的
- mistreatment (n.) - 虐待,不公正对待
与mistreated相关的其他相关词汇包括:unfair treatment、cruelty、inhumanity、discrimination。
- abused - 被虐待的,被滥用的
- ill-treated - 受虐待的,受不公正对待的
- oppressed - 被压迫的,受压抑的
- persecuted - 受迫害的,被迫害的
- well-treated - 得到善待的,受到公正对待的
mistreated (adj.): If someone is mistreated, they are treated badly or unfairly.(如果某人被虐待,意味着他们受到了不好或不公正的对待。)
mistreated (adj.): Treat (a person or animal) badly, cruelly, or unfairly.(虐待,残忍或不公正地对待(一个人或动物)。)
- She was mistreated by her employer and decided to quit her job.(她被雇主虐待,决定辞职。)
- The mistreatment of animals is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.(对动物的虐待是一个需要解决的严重问题。)
- He was mistreated and abused by his stepfather.(他受到继父的虐待和滥用。)
- The mistreatment of prisoners is a violation of human rights.(对囚犯的虐待是对人权的违反。)
- She filed a complaint against her mistreated husband.(她对她受虐待的丈夫提出了投诉。)
- The mistreated dog was finally rescued by a kind-hearted passerby.(这只受虐待的狗最终被一个好心的过路人救出。)
- Children who are mistreated often suffer long-lasting emotional trauma.(经常受虐待的孩子往往会遭受长期的情感创伤。)
- The mistreatment of employees in that company is unacceptable.(该公司对员工的虐待是不可接受的。)
- They were mistreated and denied their basic human rights.(他们受到虐待,被剥夺了基本的人权。)
- Her mistreated past had a profound effect on her self-esteem.(她受虐待的过去对她的自尊心产生了深远的影响。)
- The mistreated child was placed in a foster home for his safety.(为了他的安全,这个受虐待的孩子被安置在寄养家庭中。)
- Efforts should be made to prevent mistreatment of animals in laboratories.(应该努力防止实验室动物的虐待。)
- She dedicated her life to fighting against the mistreatment of women in society.(她致力于与社会上对妇女的虐待作斗争。)
- The mistreated workers organized a protest to demand fair treatment.(受虐待的工人组织了一场抗议活动,要求公正对待。)
- He felt mistreated and disrespected by his colleagues.(他感到自己受到了同事的虐待和不尊重。)
- Parents have a responsibility to ensure that their children are not mistreated.(父母有责任确保他们的孩子不受虐待。)
- The mistreated patient filed a lawsuit against the negligent hospital.(受虐待的病人对疏忽的医院提起了诉讼。)
- She suffered years of mistreatment before finally finding the courage to leave.(她遭受了多年的虐待,最后终于找到了离开的勇气。)
- The mistreated dog was adopted by a loving family and given a second chance at life.(这只受虐待的狗被一个充满爱心的家庭收养,并获得了第二次生命的机会。)
- He spoke out against the mistreatment of prisoners in the corrupt prison system.(他公开发声反对腐败的监狱体系中对囚犯的虐待。)
- Employees should not tolerate mistreatment in the workplace and should report any instances to their superiors.(员工不应该容忍工作场所的虐待,并应该向上级报告任何违规行为。)
- The mistreated child was taken into protective custody by child services.(受虐待的孩子被儿童保护机构收容。)
- She was mistreated for years, but she never lost hope for a better future.(她受虐待多年,但她从未失去对美好未来的希望。)