1. 转交的;转送的
1. 转交物;转送物
pass along:转交,传递(信息、消息等)
pass on:传递,传递(信息、消息等),转交
pass over:忽略,略过
pass by:经过,路过
pass along with:连同...一起转交
pass along to:转交给...
transmit, transfer, convey, hand over, forward, send
receive, keep, withhold, retain
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. If you describe something such as a book or a tradition as
passalong, you mean that it is passed on from one person to another, often within a family.
1. A
passalong is something such as a book or a tradition that is passed on from one person to another, often within a family.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. Passed or given from one person to another.
1. An item that is passed along or given from one person to another.
1. 形容词用法:
- This is a
passalong book that my mother gave me.
- The recipe is a
passalong tradition in our family.
2. 名词用法:
- The necklace is a
passalong from my grandmother.
- The book is a
passalong that has been in our family for generations.
This story is a passalong from my great-grandfather. 这个故事是我曾祖父转交给我的。
The tradition of making homemade jam is a passalong in our family. 在我们家,自制果酱的传统是代代相传的。
I received a passalong note from my friend during class. 上课时,我从朋友那里收到了一张传递的纸条。
He passed along the message to his colleagues. 他把消息传递给了他的同事。
The teacher passed along the assignment to the students. 老师把作业转交给了学生们。
The virus can be passed along through close contact. 这种病毒可以通过密切接触传播。
She passed along her old clothes to her younger sister. 她把她的旧衣服转交给了她妹妹。
He passed along the family heirloom to his daughter. 他把家族传家宝转交给了他的女儿。
I will pass along your feedback to the manager. 我会把你的反馈转交给经理。
She passed along the information to the police. 她把信息转交给了警方。
He decided to pass along with the message. 他决定连同消息一起转交。
Please pass along to your sister that I said hello. 请转告你姐姐我问好。
As the meeting progressed, the agenda items were passed along. 随着会议的进行,议程项被逐一传递。
She passed along her knowledge and experience to the younger generation. 她把她的知识和经验传授给了年轻一代。
The message was passed along from person to person until it reached the intended recipient. 这个消息经过人与人之间的传递,直到到达预期的接收者。
She passed on the family recipe to her daughter. 她把家传的食谱传给了她的女儿。
He decided to pass on the opportunity and let someone else take it. 他决定放弃这个机会,让别人去接受。
Don't pass over the details, they are important for understanding the situation. 不要忽略这些细节,它们对于理解情况很重要。
She passed by without saying a word. 她默默地走过了。
The opportunity passed him by because he didn't take action. 机会与他擦肩而过,因为他没有采取行动。