1. reshaped (adj.) 译文:重塑的,改变形状的 词汇扩充:resculpted (adj.),reformed (adj.) 近义词:restructured (adj.),remodeled (adj.),revised (adj.) 反义词:unaltered (adj.),unchanged (adj.)名词
1. reshaped (n.) 译文:重塑,改变形状 词汇扩充:resculpting (n.),reforming (n.)词语辨析
形容词 reshaped (riːʃeɪpt) 如果物体或事物被重新塑造或改变了形状,它们被称为"reshaped"。 名词 reshaped (riːʃeɪpt) 如果物体或事物经过重塑或改变形状的过程,这个过程被称为"reshaped"。牛津词典
形容词 reshaped (rēˈSHāpt) 经过重新塑造或改变形状的。用法
形容词: - The company unveiled its reshaped logo and branding. 公司发布了重新设计的标志和品牌形象。 - The artist created a sculpture with a reshaped human figure. 艺术家创作了一个形状改变的人物雕塑。 - The landscape has been reshaped by years of erosion. 这片景观经过多年的侵蚀已经发生了形状改变。 名词: - The reshaped of the city's downtown area brought new life to the community. 城市市中心的重塑给社区带来了新的活力。 - The reshaped of the car's body improved its aerodynamics. 汽车外形的重塑提高了其空气动力学性能。 - The company invested in a reshaped of its manufacturing process. 公司在制造过程的重塑上进行了投资。例句
- The architect reshaped the building design to incorporate sustainable features. (建筑师重新设计了建筑,加入了可持续发展的特点。)
- The fashion industry is constantly reshaped by new trends. (时尚行业不断被新潮流所改变。)
- The artist reshaped the clay into a beautiful vase. (艺术家把黏土重新塑造成一个漂亮的花瓶。)
- The reshaped economy created new job opportunities. (经济的重塑创造了新的就业机会。)
- The company's reshaped marketing strategy led to increased sales. (公司重塑的营销策略导致销售额增加。)
- After the earthquake, the city's skyline was reshaped. (地震后,城市的天际线发生了改变。)
- The reshaped organization was more efficient and streamlined. (重组后的组织更加高效和精简。)
- She reshaped her diet and lost weight. (她改变了饮食习惯并减肥成功。)
- The team's reshaped defense proved to be impenetrable. (球队改组后的防守证明是坚不可摧的。)
- The artist used various materials to create a reshaped sculpture. (艺术家使用了各种材料创作了一个形状改变的雕塑。)
- The reshaped city park became a popular gathering place for locals. (重新设计的城市公园成为当地人流行的聚集地。)
- The reshaped policy aimed to address the needs of a changing society. (重新制定的政策旨在满足一个不断变化的社会的需求。)
- The reshaped coastline offers breathtaking views of the ocean. (改变形状的海岸线提供了令人惊叹的海景。)
- The reshaped company structure resulted in improved communication and collaboration. (重塑的公司结构导致了沟通和合作的改善。)
- He underwent plastic surgery to have his nose reshaped. (他接受了整容手术,改变了他的鼻子形状。)
- The reshaped product design received positive feedback from consumers. (改变形状的产品设计受到消费者的积极反馈。)
- The reshaped education system focused on individualized learning. (改革后的教育体系注重个性化学习。)
- The reshaped landscape created a more inviting atmosphere. (重新塑造的景观创造了一个更加诱人的氛围。)
- They have reshaped the company's image through a successful rebranding campaign. (他们通过一次成功的重新品牌宣传活动改变了公司的形象。)
- The reshaped policy had a significant impact on the local economy. (改变形状的政策对当地经济产生了重大影响。)