obliterated [əˈblɪtəreɪtɪd]
- 被毁灭的;被抹去的 (completely destroyed; wiped out)
- 模糊不清的;无法分辨的 (indistinct; unable to be distinguished)
obliterated [əˈblɪtəreɪtɪd]
- 毁灭;抹去 (act of destroying or wiping out)
- 被毁灭的痕迹 (remnants of something that has been destroyed)
obliterated 和以下词语意义相近,但在用法上略有区别:
- destroyed:指完全毁灭或破坏,没有遗留下任何部分。
- wiped out:指彻底抹去,使不复存在。
- eradicated:强调将某物彻底根除或消灭。
- annihilated:强调将某物完全摧毁或消灭,使彻底消失。
- obliterate [əˈblɪtəreɪt] (动词):消除;抹去
- obliteration [əˌblɪtəˈreɪʃən] (名词):毁灭;抹去
- destroyed
- wiped out
- eradicated
- annihilated
- preserved
- intact
- undamaged
obliterate /əˈblɪtəreɪt/
obliterated /əˈblɪtəreɪtɪd/
- 形容词
- If something is obliterated, it is completely destroyed.
- If something is obliterated, it is so badly damaged that it no longer exists or cannot be recognized.
- 过去分词
- If something is obliterated, it is destroyed completely.
- 动词
- If something is obliterated, it is destroyed completely.
- If you obliterate something such as a memory, emotion, or thought, you remove it completely from your mind.
- 名词
- The obliteration of something is the act of destroying it completely.
obliterate /əˈblɪtəreɪt/
obliterated /əˈblɪtəreɪtɪd/
- 形容词
- Destroyed.
- Remove or destroy all traces of; do away with completely.
- 动词
- Destroy utterly; wipe out.
- The village was obliterated by the tornado.
- His memory of that day was obliterated by the accident.
- The ancient ruins were obliterated over time.
- The bombing campaign aimed to obliterate enemy strongholds.
- They used sandblasting to obliterate the graffiti from the walls.
- The obliteration of the city was a tragic event.
- The tornado obliterated the entire town, leaving nothing but rubble in its wake. 龙卷风将整个城镇夷为平地,只留下一片废墟。
- Years of neglect had obliterated the once beautiful garden. 多年的荒废使这个曾经美丽的花园变得面目全非。
- The graffiti on the wall was obliterated with a fresh coat of paint. 墙上的涂鸦被重新刷漆后消除了。
- The ancient civilization was obliterated by a volcanic eruption. 古代文明被火山爆发所摧毁。
- The evidence of the crime was deliberately obliterated. 犯罪证据被蓄意销毁。
- He tried to obliterate all memories of his painful childhood. 他试图彻底抹去对痛苦童年的所有记忆。
- The ruthless dictator aimed to obliterate any opposition to his regime. 这位冷酷的独裁者意在消灭任何反对他政权的力量。
- The obliteration of the enemy stronghold was a strategic victory. 敌方据点的摧毁是一次战略性的胜利。
- The obliteration of the old building made way for a modern development. 旧建筑的毁灭为现代化发展让路。
- The obliterated city was slowly rebuilt after the war. 战后,这座被摧毁的城市逐渐重建。
- The obliterated bridge was replaced with a new one. 被毁的桥梁被新桥取而代之。
- After the earthquake, the town was left obliterated and in ruins. 地震过后,这个城镇变得面目全非,一片废墟。
- The historical records of that era were mostly obliterated. 那个时代的历史记录大多数都被抹去了。
- The storm obliterated any traces of their campsite. 暴风雨将他们的露营地痕迹全部抹去了。
- The artist used a bold brushstroke to obliterate the previous layer of paint. 艺术家用大胆的笔触将上一层油漆遮掩。
- Without a trace, the once bustling city was obliterated by the war. 一片繁华的城市在战争中被彻底毁灭,不留痕迹。
- The dictator aimed to obliterate all opposition and maintain absolute control. 这位独裁者旨在消灭一切反对派,保持绝对控制。
- The bomb obliterated the target, reducing it to rubble. 炸弹将目标彻底摧毁,变成了一片废墟。
- The memories of that traumatic event were obliterated from her mind. 那次创伤性事件的记忆从她的脑海中抹去了。
- The ancient temple was obliterated by a volcanic eruption centuries ago. 几个世纪以前,这座古庙被火山爆发摧毁了。