1. 闪烁的;闪光的 - The shimmering stars filled the night sky. (闪烁的星星填满了夜空。) - The dress had a shimmering effect under the lights. (那件连衣裙在灯光下有一种闪光的效果。) 2. 闪烁不定的;摇曳的 - The shimmering heatwaves distorted the view. (摇曳的热浪扭曲了视野。) - The shimmering reflections on the water mesmerized the onlookers. (水面上闪烁的倒影让旁观者入迷。)名词
1. 闪烁;微光 - The shimmering of the candles created a cozy atmosphere. (蜡烛的微光营造出了温馨的氛围。) - The lake sparkled with a shimmering as the sun set. (湖水在太阳落山时闪烁着微光。)词语辨析
shimmering vs. shining - Shimmering强调闪烁不定、摇曳的效果,常用于形容光线、火焰等。 - Shining则强调光亮、闪耀的效果,常用于形容光、金属、宝石等。词汇扩充
其他形容词:glimmering, glimmerous, glinting, gleaming, sparkling, twinkling近义词
glittering, shining, twinkling, sparkling反义词
dull, dark, gloomy柯林斯词典
shimmering (adjective) 1. Something that is shimmering seems to be shining with a soft, slightly wavering light. 2. If you describe something such as a piece of clothing as shimmering, you mean that it shines with a soft, slightly wavering light. shimmer (noun) 1. A shimmer is a soft, slightly wavering light. 2. A shimmer is a gentle, slightly wavering light reflected from a surface.牛津词典
shimmer (verb) 1. Shine softly with a subdued, tremulous light. 2. (Of a person's eyes) shine with a soft tremulous light. shimmer (noun) A soft tremulous light.用法
- The moonlight shimmered on the lake's surface. - Her dress shimmered in the candlelight. - The heat haze shimmered in the distance.相关的例句
- The shimmering stars filled the night sky. (闪烁的星星填满了夜空。)
- The dress had a shimmering effect under the lights. (那件连衣裙在灯光下有一种闪光的效果。)
- The shimmering heatwaves distorted the view. (摇曳的热浪扭曲了视野。)
- The shimmering reflections on the water mesmerized the onlookers. (水面上闪烁的倒影让旁观者入迷。)
- The shimmering of the candles created a cozy atmosphere. (蜡烛的微光营造出了温馨的氛围。)
- The lake sparkled with a shimmering as the sun set. (湖水在太阳落山时闪烁着微光。)
- The shimmering lights of the city were visible from the hilltop. (从山顶可以看到城市闪烁的灯光。)
- The dancer's costume was adorned with shimmering sequins. (舞者的服装上装饰着闪亮的亮片。)
- The morning dew on the grass had a shimmering quality. (草地上的早露有一种闪烁的质感。)
- The shimmering leaves of the trees rustled in the breeze. (树叶在微风中发出一阵闪烁的声音。)
- The artist captured the shimmering light of the sunset in her painting. (艺术家在她的画作中捕捉到了夕阳的闪烁光芒。)
- As the waves crashed against the shore, a shimmering spray of water filled the air. (海浪拍打着海岸,溅起一片闪烁的水雾弥漫在空中。)
- The shimmering heat made the desert landscape appear like a mirage. (闪烁的高温让沙漠的景色看起来像是一个海市蜃楼。)
- The stars in the night sky seemed to shimmer and twinkle. (夜空中的星星似乎闪烁着闪烁。)
- The shimmering reflection of the moon on the lake was mesmerizing. (湖面上月亮的闪烁倒影令人入迷。)
- The city skyline was ablaze with shimmering lights. (城市的天际线被闪烁的灯光点亮。)
- The shimmering colors of the aurora danced across the night sky. (北极光闪烁的色彩在夜空中舞动。)
- In the distance, a shimmering oasis appeared like a mirage in the desert. (远处,一个闪烁的绿洲在沙漠中出现,犹如一个海市蜃楼。)
- The shimmering moonlight reflected off the calm surface of the lake. (闪烁的月光倒映在湖面上的宁静表面。)
- The shimmering crystals on the chandelier cast a beautiful light across the room. (枝形吊灯上的闪烁水晶在房间里投下美丽的光芒。)