1. 衡量的;测量的
2. 深思熟虑的;审慎的
3. 恰到好处的;适度的
4. 被度量的;有节奏的
1. 尺寸;度量
2. 测量结果
3. 调子;节拍
measured, deliberate, calculated
measured 指做事情时经过慎重考虑和估量,以求得精确和恰当。
deliberate 指经过仔细考虑和深思熟虑后的行动,强调决策的缜密性。
calculated 指经过权衡利弊、预测结果后的有目的的行动,着重于目的性。
measureless (adj. 无尽的;无限的)
measurement (n. 测量;尺寸)
measure (v. 测量;衡量;度量)
measure (n. 措施;方法)
calculated, thoughtful, cautious, deliberate, composed, calculated
impulsive, hasty, spontaneous, reckless
1. If you describe someone's behavior as measured, you mean that it is controlled and not extreme.
2. A measured amount or quantity of something is a particular amount or quantity that has been calculated or is officially stated.
3. A measured response or piece of work is careful and controlled.
1. Done with or showing careful thought; deliberate.
2. Having a slow, regular rhythm.
3. The rhythmic structure or movement of a piece of music.
1. It is important to have a measured response in times of crisis.
2. The measured pace of the music created a calming effect.
3. The scientist carefully measured the concentration of the chemical.
- His measured response to the criticism showed his professionalism. (他对批评的谨慎回应显示了他的专业素养。)
- The measured pace of the conductor kept the orchestra in perfect synchronization. (指挥家有节奏的指挥保持了乐团的完美同步。)
- She took a measured approach to the problem, carefully considering all the options. (她对待这个问题采取了谨慎的方法,仔细考虑了所有的选择。)
- He has a measured way of speaking that commands attention. (他说话的方式很审慎,能吸引人的注意力。)
- The measured steps of the soldiers echoed through the empty hall. (士兵们有节奏的脚步声在空荡的大厅中回荡。)
- She carefully measured the ingredients for the recipe. (她仔细地量取了食谱所需的成分。)
- His measured tone of voice made it clear that he was not pleased with the situation. (他的语调表明他对这种情况并不满意。)
- The measured movements of the dancer were mesmerizing to watch. (舞者有节奏的动作令人着迷。)
- The measured response from the government was criticized as being too cautious. (政府的谨慎回应受到了批评,认为过于小心。)
- They took measured steps to ensure the success of the project. (他们采取了审慎的步骤来确保项目的成功。)
- His measured approach to negotiations helped to achieve a fair agreement. (他谨慎的谈判方法有助于达成公平的协议。)
- The measured beats of the conductor's baton set the tempo for the orchestra. (指挥棒的有节奏敲击为乐团定下了节奏。)
- She provided a measured response to the criticism, addressing each point calmly. (她对批评做出了谨慎的回应,冷静地回应了每一点。)
- The measured pace of the race allowed the runners to conserve their energy for the final stretch. (比赛的有节奏速度使得选手们能够保留精力,用在最后的冲刺阶段。)
- Her measured movements on the balance beam displayed her control and precision. (她在平衡木上的有节奏动作展示了她的控制力和精准度。)
- The measured response from the CEO reassured the employees during the company's restructuring. (首席执行官的谨慎回应在公司重组期间让员工放心。)
- The measured tones of the piano filled the concert hall. (钢琴的有节奏音调充满了音乐厅。)
- The measured approach to the problem involved gathering data and analyzing it carefully. (对待这个问题的谨慎方法包括收集数据并仔细分析。)
- Her measured steps on the tightrope demonstrated her skill and balance. (她在钢丝绳上的有节奏步伐展示了她的技巧和平衡能力。)
- The measured response to the crisis helped to prevent panic among the population. (对危机的谨慎回应有助于避免人群中的恐慌。)
- They took a measured approach to the project, carefully planning each stage. (他们对这个项目采取了谨慎的方法,仔细规划每个阶段。)