1. boxing /ˈbɒksɪŋ/ (adj.): 拳击的,与拳击相关的。
例句:He is a boxing champion. (他是一个拳击冠军。)
1. boxing /ˈbɒksɪŋ/ (n.): 拳击运动。
例句:He started boxing at a young age. (他年轻时就开始练习拳击。)
2. boxing /ˈbɒksɪŋ/ (n.): 盒子,包装盒。
例句:She packed her belongings into cardboard boxes. (她把自己的物品装进了纸板箱。)
- boxing与fighting的区别:boxing指的是拳击运动,通常是在拳击比赛中进行,而fighting则泛指任何形式的搏斗或争斗。
- boxing与boxer的区别:boxing是一个名词,指的是拳击运动;而boxer是一个名词,指的是拳击手或拳击选手。
- boxing ring:拳击擂台
- boxing gloves:拳击手套
- boxing match:拳击比赛
- boxing coach:拳击教练
- boxing technique:拳击技巧
- fighting
- pugilism
- sparring
- combat
- peace
- harmony
- reconciliation
boxing (noun): Boxing is a sport in which two people fight each other using their fists and wearing special gloves. (拳击运动是一项两个人用拳头互相打击并戴着特殊手套的运动。)
boxing (noun): The sport or practice of fighting with the fists, especially with padded gloves in a roped square ring according to prescribed rules. (拳击是一种用拳头进行战斗的体育运动,尤其是在一个有绳子围成的正方形拳台上,按照规定的规则戴着带垫手套进行。)
1. Boxing can be a dangerous sport if not practiced with proper technique and protective gear. (如果没有正确的技术和防护装备,拳击可能是一项危险的运动。)
2. He trained diligently for years to become a professional boxer. (他为了成为一名职业拳击手而刻苦训练了多年。)
3. The boxing match ended in a knockout victory for the defending champion. (这场拳击比赛以卫冕冠军的击倒胜利结束。)
4. Boxing requires a combination of strength, speed, and agility. (拳击需要结合力量、速度和敏捷性。)
- She watched a boxing match on TV last night. (昨晚她在电视上看了一场拳击比赛。)
- He took up boxing as a way to stay fit. (他开始练习拳击作为保持健康的一种方式。)
- They cheered loudly for their favorite boxer. (他们为自己喜欢的拳击手大声欢呼。)
- The boxing gloves were worn to protect the hands during the fight. (在比赛中戴上拳击手套可以保护手部。)
- She has been training in boxing for several years. (她已经练习拳击几年了。)
- The boxing coach taught him various techniques and strategies. (拳击教练教他各种技巧和战略。)
- The boxing ring was filled with excitement as the crowd cheered. (观众欢呼雀跃,拳击擂台上充满了激动。)
- He won the boxing match by knockout in the first round. (他在第一轮比赛中以击倒胜利。)
- Boxing is a physically demanding sport that requires strength and endurance. (拳击是一项需要力量和耐力的体育运动。)
- She dreams of becoming a professional boxer and competing at the highest level. (她梦想成为一名职业拳击手,并在最高水平上竞争。)
- The boxing training session lasted for two hours. (拳击训练课持续了两个小时。)
- Boxing is often considered a test of both physical and mental strength. (拳击常被认为是对身体和心理力量的考验。)
- He has a strong jab, which is one of the fundamental punches in boxing. (他有一个强有力的左钩拳,这是拳击中的基本拳击之一。)
- The boxer delivered a powerful uppercut, knocking his opponent to the ground. (拳击手发出了一记有力的上勾拳,将对手击倒在地。)
- Boxing is a sport that requires discipline, dedication, and perseverance. (拳击是一项需要纪律、奉献和毅力的运动。)
- The referee stepped in and stopped the boxing match after one of the fighters was injured. (当一名拳击手受伤后,裁判员介入并停止了拳击比赛。)
- She is known for her quick footwork and agile movements in the boxing ring. (她以拳击擂台上的快速脚步和敏捷动作而闻名。)
- The boxing tournament attracted participants from all over the world. (这次拳击比赛吸引了来自世界各地的参赛者。)
- He suffered a knockout in the boxing match and had to be taken to the hospital. (他在拳击比赛中被击倒,必须送往医院。)
- Boxing requires a combination of skill, strategy, and physical fitness. (拳击需要综合运用技巧、战略和身体素质。)
- She won the gold medal in the boxing competition at the Olympic Games. (她在奥运会的拳击比赛中获得了金牌。)