spoiled [adjective]
1. 宠坏的,被宠溺的
2. 腐坏的,变质的
3. 宠爱的,被宠爱的
spoiled [noun]
1. 腐败,变质
2. 宠溺,溺爱
1. 如果用来形容人,"spoiled" 意指一个人过于被宠爱,缺乏纪律或自我控制。
2. 如果用来形容食物或物品,"spoiled" 意指由于腐败、变质或损坏而不再可用或适合使用。
1. spoiled child 宠坏的孩子
2. spoiled food 腐烂的食物
3. spoiled milk 变质的牛奶
4. spoiled brat 宠坏的顽童
5. spoiled reputation 受损的声誉
1. indulged
2. pampered
3. coddled
4. overindulged
1. disciplined
2. well-behaved
3. self-controlled
4. obedient
spoiled [adjective]
If you say that someone is spoiled, you mean that they are not allowed to do or have anything that they want, usually because their parents or other family members always give them what they want.
spoiled [adjective]
If food or drink is spoiled, it is no longer fit to be eaten or drunk.
spoiled [adjective]
(of a person) harmed in character by being treated too leniently or indulgently.
spoiled [adjective]
(of food) decayed or putrid.
1. The spoiled child threw a tantrum when he didn't get his way.
2. The milk has gone bad and is spoiled.
3. She has a reputation for being spoiled and entitled.
4. The spoiled fruit was thrown away.
- He is a spoiled child who always gets what he wants. 他是个被宠坏的孩子,总是能得到他想要的。
- The spoiled food smelled terrible. 变质的食物闻起来很可怕。
- She grew up in a wealthy family and was spoiled by her parents. 她在富裕的家庭长大,被父母宠坏了。
- His spoiled behavior made him unpopular with his classmates. 他坏脾气让他在同学中不受欢迎。
- The meat was left out of the refrigerator and became spoiled. 肉放在冰箱外面变质了。
- Don't give in to their demands, or they will become spoiled. 不要屈服于他们的要求,否则他们会变得任性。
- The spoiled child always expects to get what she wants. 这个被宠坏的孩子总是期望得到她想要的。
- The milk is spoiled; it has a sour taste. 牛奶已经变质了,味道很酸。
- Her parents have spoiled her with expensive gifts. 她的父母用昂贵的礼物宠坏了她。
- He has a spoiled attitude and thinks he is better than everyone else. 他有一种娇生惯养的态度,认为自己比其他人都好。
- The spoiled fruit should be thrown away. 应该把变质的水果扔掉。
- The spoiled child always expects special treatment. 这个被宠坏的孩子总是期望特殊待遇。
- Her spoiled behavior caused tension in the family. 她的任性行为导致家庭紧张。
- The meat smelled bad and was clearly spoiled. 肉闻起来很难闻,显然是变质了。
- The spoiled child refused to eat anything that wasn't her favorite. 这个被宠坏的孩子拒绝吃任何不是她喜欢的东西。
- He grew up in a spoiled environment and never learned to take care of himself. 他在一个被宠坏的环境中长大,从未学会自理。
- The spoiled milk had a foul smell. 变质的牛奶闻起来很臭。
- The spoiled child always gets her way because her parents give in to her demands. 这个被宠坏的孩子总是得心应手,因为她的父母屈服于她的要求。
- The spoiled fruit was covered in mold. 变质的水果上长满了霉菌。
- His spoiled behavior is a result of his parents' constant indulgence. 他的任性行为是他父母过度纵容的结果。