1. 感到有趣的;被逗乐的;愉快的
2. 被逗笑的;发笑的
1. 有趣的事物;娱乐
2. 被逗乐的人
- pleased:高兴的,满意的
- delighted:高兴的,欣喜的
- entertained:娱乐的,愉悦的
- bored:无聊的,厌烦的
- unamused:不感兴趣的,无趣的
1. If you are amused by something, it makes you laugh or smile.
2. If you are amused, you are entertained or find something funny.
1. Pleasantly entertained or diverted; having its attention engaged.
2. Cause (someone) to find something funny; entertain.
1. He was amused by her jokes. (他被她的笑话逗乐了。)
2. We were amused at the funny movie. (我们对这个搞笑电影感到有趣。)
3. The children were amused by the clown's performance. (孩子们被小丑的表演逗乐了。)
4. She found his antics amusing. (她觉得他的滑稽动作有趣。)
5. The comedian's jokes always amuse the audience. (这个喜剧演员的笑话总是逗乐观众。)
- He told a funny story that amused everyone in the room.(他讲了个有趣的故事,把房间里的每个人都逗乐了。)
- She couldn't help but be amused by his silly antics.(她不禁对他愚蠢的滑稽动作感到好笑。)
- We watched a hilarious comedy that kept us amused for hours.(我们看了一部非常搞笑的喜剧,让我们好几个小时都乐不思蜀。)
- The children were thoroughly amused by the magician's tricks.(孩子们被魔术师的把戏逗得哈哈大笑。)
- I found his witty remarks very amusing.(我发现他的机智言辞非常有趣。)
- She couldn't help but smile amusedly at his clumsy attempt.(她禁不住对他笨拙的尝试苦笑了一下。)
- The cat played with the ball, amusing itself for hours.(猫玩着球,自娱自乐了好几个小时。)
- She was amused by his silly jokes.(她被他愚蠢的笑话逗乐了。)
- I was thoroughly amused throughout the entire performance.(整个演出过程中,我一直被逗得哈哈大笑。)
- The comedian's performance kept the audience amused for the entire evening.(整个晚上喜剧演员的表演一直让观众乐开了花。)
- She found his silly antics highly amusing.(她觉得他的愚蠢滑稽动作非常有趣。)
- I was amused to see him attempt the daring stunt.(看到他尝试这个大胆的特技我觉得很好笑。)
- The clown's funny costume amused the children at the birthday party.(小丑有趣的装扮逗乐了生日派对上的孩子们。)
- His witty remarks always amuse the guests at the dinner parties.(他的机智言辞总是让宾客在晚宴上感到开心。)
- She amused herself by reading humorous books.(她通过阅读幽默书籍来取乐。)
- We were amused by the silly antics of the street performer.(我们被街头艺人愚蠢的动作逗乐了。)
- The comedian's hilarious jokes amused the entire audience.(喜剧演员搞笑的笑话逗乐了整个观众。)
- She amused herself by watching funny videos on the internet.(她透过在网上观看搞笑视频来取乐。)
- The children were amused by the puppet show.(孩子们被木偶戏逗乐了。)
- His silly behavior amused his friends.(他愚蠢的行为逗乐了他的朋友们。)
- We were amused by the unexpected twist in the movie's plot.(电影情节的出人意料的转折逗乐了我们。)