1. shooting [ˈʃuːtɪŋ]反义词
1. shooting [ˈʃuːtɪŋ]柯林斯词典
1. He was arrested in connection with a shooting incident.
2. The police were called to investigate the shooting.
3. The shooting took place in broad daylight.
4. Filming of the movie was delayed due to a shooting on set.
5. The shooting range is open to the public on weekends.
6. He is an expert shooter and has won many shooting competitions.
- There was a shooting in the city center last night. 昨晚市中心发生了一起枪击案。
- The police are investigating the shooting incident. 警方正在调查这起枪击事件。
- The shooting occurred outside a nightclub. 枪击事件发生在夜总会外。
- The shooting took place during a robbery. 枪击案发生在一起抢劫案中。
- The shooting range is located in the outskirts of town. 射击场位于城市的郊区。
- She is a skilled shooter and competes at a national level. 她是一名技术娴熟的射手,参加国家级比赛。
- The film shooting lasted for three months. 电影的拍摄持续了三个月。
- The shooting of the documentary took place in remote locations. 这部纪录片的拍摄地点在偏远的地方。
- The director is known for his innovative shooting techniques. 这位导演以其创新的拍摄技术而闻名。
- He was injured in a shooting accident. 他在一次枪击事故中受伤。
- The shooting in the movie was very realistic. 电影中的枪战场面非常逼真。
- They went to the shooting range to practice their aim. 他们去射击场练习瞄准。
- The shooting of the wildlife documentary took months to complete. 这部野生动物纪录片的拍摄历时数月才完成。
- The police arrived at the shooting scene within minutes. 警方在几分钟内赶到了枪击现场。
- He was caught in the crossfire during the shooting. 他在枪战中被卷入交火。
- She has been training as a shooter for several years. 她已经训练了几年成为一名射击手。
- The shooting competition attracted participants from all over the country. 这次射击比赛吸引了全国各地的参赛选手。
- They captured the breathtaking scenery with their shooting skills. 他们用自己的摄影技巧捕捉到了令人惊叹的风景。
- The shooting studio is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. 摄影棚配备了最先进的设备。
- She won an award for her outstanding shooting in the film. 她凭借在电影中出色的摄影获得了奖项。