1. shroud与veil的区别:
1. shroud [动词]:隐藏;掩盖
2. unshroud [动词]:揭示;解开
shroud (noun): A shroud is a cloth which is used for wrapping a dead body. It is used especially when the body is going to be buried or cremated.
shroud (verb): If one thing shrouds another, it covers it so that it cannot be seen.
shroud (noun): A length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial.
shroud (verb): Wrap or dress (a body) in a shroud for burial.
1. The shroud body was carried to the cemetery.(裹尸布的尸体被送到了墓地。)
2. The shroud figure moved silently through the dark streets.(那个隐蔽的人影在黑暗的街道上悄无声息地移动。)
1. She lifted the shroud from the statue.(她从雕像上揭开了罩子。)
2. The shroud of secrecy surrounding the project has finally been lifted.(围绕这个项目的保密措施最终被揭开。)
- The funeral director covered the deceased with a white shroud.(殡仪馆工作人员用白色的裹尸布覆盖了逝者。)
- The factory was shrouded in darkness after the power outage.(停电后,整个工厂陷入黑暗之中。)
- They shrouded the room in mystery by drawing the curtains.(他们拉上窗帘,使房间笼罩在神秘之中。)
- The shroud of fog made it difficult to see the road ahead.(浓雾将前方的道路遮蔽得很难看清。)
- The shroud slowly lifted, revealing the hidden treasure.(遮蔽物慢慢升起,显露出隐藏的宝藏。)
- She wore a shroud of sadness after the loss of her loved one.(在失去所爱之人后,她笼罩在悲伤之中。)
- The wind filled the shroud of the sail, propelling the boat forward.(风充满了帆的船帆,推动着船前进。)
- They removed the shroud from the old furniture, revealing its beautiful craftsmanship.(他们拿下旧家具的罩布,展现出其精美的工艺。)
- The secrets of the ancient ruins remain shrouded in mystery.(古代遗迹的秘密仍然笼罩在神秘之中。)
- The city was shrouded in silence as the news of the tragedy spread.(悲剧的消息传开后,整个城市被沉默所笼罩。)
- The artist used a thin veil to shroud the subject's face in the painting.(艺术家用薄纱来遮蔽画中主题的脸。)
- They decided to shroud the project in secrecy until it was completed.(他们决定在项目完成之前对其保密。)
- The shroud of darkness made it difficult to navigate through the forest.(黑暗的遮蔽物使得穿越森林变得困难。)
- The detective unraveled the shroud of lies to uncover the truth.(侦探揭开了谎言的遮蔽物,揭示了真相。)
- She used a shroud to cover the antique furniture and protect it from dust.(她用罩布覆盖古董家具,以保护它免受尘土的侵害。)
- The mountain peak was shrouded in mist, creating a mysterious atmosphere.(山峰被雾气所笼罩,形成了神秘的氛围。)
- The shroud of grief hung over the family after the loss of their loved one.(在失去所爱之人后,悲痛笼罩着这个家庭。)
- The magician used a shroud to cover the table, concealing his tricks from the audience.(魔术师用布遮盖桌子,将他的魔术伎俩隐藏起来,不让观众看到。)
- The shroud of secrecy surrounding the company's new product has generated a lot of curiosity.(围绕公司新产品的保密措施引发了很多好奇。)
- They shrouded the building in scaffolding during the renovation work.(在装修期间,他们用脚手架包围了建筑物。)
- The shroud of night fell, enveloping the city in darkness.(黑夜降临,将城市笼罩在黑暗中。)