bunker (adj.)
1. 隐蔽的,藏匿的;地下的
2. 坚固的,牢固的
bunker (n.)
1. 燃料仓,煤仓,油仓
2. (高尔夫球场) 沙坑
3. (战时) 地堡,掩体
4. (战舰) 弹药库
He hid in a bunker until the enemy passed. (他藏在地堡里,直到敌人经过。)
The golfer's ball landed in the bunker. (高尔夫球手的球掉进了沙坑。)
The ship has enough fuel in its bunkers for the long journey. (这艘船在燃料仓里储备了足够的燃料进行长途航行。)
They stored the oil in underground bunkers for safety. (为了安全起见,他们将石油储存在地下燃料仓中。)
The soldiers emerged from their bunker to continue the attack. (士兵们从地堡中冲出,继续进攻。)
The golfer struggled to get his ball out of the bunker. (高尔夫球手费力把球从沙坑中打出。)
bunker (n.)
- A bunker is a small, strong building that is specially built to provide safe accommodation for soldiers during a battle. 地堡
- A bunker is a place where a large quantity of coal or oil is kept. 燃料仓
- In golf, a bunker is a place on the course where the ground has been made into a hollow and covered with sand. 沙坑
bunker (n.)
- A bunker is a large container for storing coal or oil in a ship or a factory. 燃料仓
- In golf, a bunker is a hollow area on a golf course that is filled with sand. 沙坑
- A bunker is a strong building where soldiers can shelter from the enemy. 地堡
The soldiers took refuge in a bunker during the attack. (士兵们在袭击时躲进了地堡。)
The ship's fuel bunkers were filled to capacity. (船上的燃料仓已经装满。)
The golfer's ball landed in a bunker. (高尔夫球手的球掉进了沙坑。)
1. 名词含义1:
During the war, civilians sought shelter in underground bunkers. (战争期间,平民在地下掩体中寻找庇护。)
The soldiers took cover in the bunker as the enemy approached. (敌人接近时,士兵们躲到地堡里。)
There was an explosion in the ammunition bunker. (弹药库发生了爆炸。)
The bunker provided a safe place for the troops during the bombardment. (地堡为部队在轰炸中提供了安全的地方。)
They built a secret bunker to store supplies for emergencies. (他们建了一个秘密的地堡,用来储备紧急物资。)
2. 名词含义2:
The golfer's ball landed in the bunker near the green. (高尔夫球手的球掉进了靠近果岭的沙坑。)
He struggled to get his ball out of the bunker. (他费力把球从沙坑中打出来。)
The golf course has many challenging bunkers. (高尔夫球场上有很多具有挑战性的沙坑。)
The player skillfully avoided the bunker and hit the ball onto the fairway. (球员巧妙地避开沙坑,将球打到球道上。)
3. 名词含义3:
The ship's fuel bunkers needed to be refilled before the long voyage. (在长途航行前,船上的燃料仓需要加满。)
They stored the coal in large bunkers at the power plant. (他们将煤储存在发电厂的大型燃料仓中。)
The tanker has a capacity of 100,000 barrels in its bunkers. (油轮的燃料仓容量为10万桶。)
The ship's bunkers were damaged in the storm, causing a fuel leak. (船上的燃料仓在风暴中受损,导致燃料泄漏。)