形容词: 1. disagreeable 2. discordant 3. conflicting 名词: 1. disapproval 2. dissent 3. argument词义辨析
1. discrepancy - 差异 2. divergence - 分歧 3. conflict - 冲突 4. dissension - 意见不合近义词
1. difference 2. conflict 3. dispute 4. discord反义词
1. agreement 2. consensus 3. harmony 4. accord柯林斯词典
disagreement (noun) 1. If there is disagreement, people have a difference of opinion about something. 2. Disagreement is the state of being in conflict or not in accordance with each other. 3. Disagreement is the feeling of being unsatisfied and annoyed about something. 4. Disagreement is the feeling of being unsatisfied and annoyed about something. disagree (verb) 1. If you disagree with an opinion, statement, or suggestion, you do not think that it is correct or true. 2. If two statements, descriptions, or accounts of an event disagree, they give different accounts of it and cannot both be true.牛津词典
disagreement (noun) 1. A lack of consensus or approval. 2. A conflict or difference of opinion. 3. A quarrel; an argument. disagree (verb) 1. Have or express a different opinion. 2. (of two or more descriptions or accounts) Be inconsistent or contradictory.用法
1. There was a disagreement over which route to take. 2. They had a disagreement about the best way to handle the situation. 3. He expressed his disagreement with the decision. 4. The two sides are in disagreement on how to proceed.相关例句
- There was a disagreement over which route to take. 他们对于应该走哪条路线发生了分歧。
- They had a disagreement about the best way to handle the situation. 他们对于处理这种情况的最佳方式存在分歧。
- He expressed his disagreement with the decision. 他表达了对该决定的不同意见。
- The two sides are in disagreement on how to proceed. 双方对于如何继续进行存在分歧。
- The disagreement between the two countries led to an escalation of tensions. 两国之间的分歧导致了紧张局势的升级。
- We had a disagreement over the interpretation of the data. 我们对数据的解释发生了分歧。
- Despite their disagreements, they managed to find a compromise. 尽管他们存在分歧,但他们设法达成了妥协。
- The disagreement between the two friends strained their relationship. 这两个朋友之间的分歧使他们的关系紧张。
- They have a fundamental disagreement on the issue of climate change. 他们在气候变化问题上存在根本分歧。
- The disagreement arose from a misunderstanding of the instructions. 这个分歧源于对指示的误解。
- There is a clear disagreement between the two studies' findings. 这两项研究的发现存在明显的分歧。
- The disagreement among the team members hindered progress on the project. 团队成员之间的分歧阻碍了项目的进展。
- We need to find a way to resolve our disagreements peacefully. 我们需要找到一种和平解决我们分歧的方式。
- The disagreement between the parents led to a tense atmosphere at home. 父母之间的分歧导致家里气氛紧张。
- She expressed her disagreement with the proposed changes. 她表达了对所提出的变化的不同意见。
- The disagreement between the two political parties escalated into a full-blown conflict. 这两个政党之间的分歧升级为全面冲突。
- The disagreement over the budget has caused delays in the project. 关于预算的分歧导致了项目的延迟。
- They have reached a disagreement on the terms of the contract. 他们在合同条款上达成了分歧。
- The disagreement between the two friends was resolved through open communication. 这两个朋友之间的分歧通过公开沟通得以解决。
- We need to find a way to overcome our disagreements and work together. 我们需要找到一种方式来克服我们的分歧并共同合作。
- They are in disagreement over how to allocate the resources. 他们对如何分配资源存在分歧。