- wages (n.) - 工资,薪水
- wages (n.) - 报酬,报答
- wages (n.) - 报应,报应的结果
1. wages 和 salary 的区别在于前者通常指按小时或按天支付的工资,而后者通常指按月支付的固定工资。
2. wages 也可用来表示劳动所得,而 earnings 则更广泛地表示从任何来源获得的收入。
3. wages 可以指个人的工资,也可以指一个企业或一个国家的总体工资水平。
1. weekly wages - 每周工资
2. hourly wages - 按小时计算的工资
3. minimum wages - 最低工资
4. living wages - 生活工资
5. fair wages - 公平工资
salary, pay, income, earnings, remuneration
unemployment, loss, debt
wages (noun)
1. A wage is the amount of money that a worker is paid for the work they do, especially work that they do by the hour or by the week.
2. If you wage a war or campaign, you do something that requires a lot of time, effort, or money in order to achieve it or to make it succeed.
wages (noun)
1. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee, especially to manual or unskilled workers.
2. Carry on (a war or campaign).
wages 通常用作复数形式。
1. I earn a good wage as a plumber.
2. The company agreed to increase the wages of its employees.
3. She waged a long and bitter legal battle.
- I worked 40 hours this week and earned a decent wage. (我这周工作了40小时,赚了不错的工资。)
- The minimum wage in this country is $10 per hour. (这个国家的最低工资是每小时10美元。)
- The company announced a wage increase for all its employees. (公司宣布给所有员工加薪。)
- He was not satisfied with the wages he was being paid. (他对自己的工资不满意。)
- The workers went on strike demanding higher wages. (工人们举行罢工,要求提高工资。)
- The government is planning to introduce a minimum wage policy. (政府计划引入最低工资政策。)
- He used to work two jobs just to make ends meet. (他过去得打两份工才能维持生计。)
- She receives a weekly wage of $500. (她每周获得500美元的工资。)
- The company is facing financial difficulties and may have to cut wages. (公司面临财务困难,可能不得不削减工资。)
- She works long hours but her wages are barely enough to cover her expenses. (她工作时间很长,但工资几乎不够支付她的开销。)
- He decided to take on a part-time job to supplement his wages. (他决定找份兼职工作来补贴工资。)
- The workers demanded fair wages and better working conditions. (工人们要求公平工资和更好的工作条件。)
- He earns a high wage because of his specialized skills. (由于他的专业技能,他赚取了很高的工资。)
- The workers threatened to go on strike if their wages were not increased. (工人们威胁说如果不增加工资就举行罢工。)
- She has been struggling to survive on a low wage. (她一直在艰难地以低工资维生。)
- He lost his job and is now living on unemployment benefits. (他失业了,现在靠失业救济金生活。)
- The company announced a wage freeze due to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,公司宣布冻结工资。)
- She decided to quit her job because of the low wages and poor working conditions. (由于低工资和恶劣的工作条件,她决定辞职。)
- He received a substantial wage increase after being promoted to a managerial position. (晋升为管理职位后,他获得了大幅加薪。)
- The wage gap between men and women is a persistent issue in many industries. (男女工资差距是许多行业中长期存在的问题。)