1. caring
英 [ˈkeərɪŋ]
美 [ˈkerɪŋ]
1) 关心的; 体贴的; 照顾的
2) 有同情心的; 慈悲的
2. caring
英 [ˈkeərɪŋ]
美 [ˈkerɪŋ]
关怀的; 保护的
1. caring
英 [ˈkeərɪŋ]
美 [ˈkerɪŋ]
1) 关心; 照顾; 关怀
2) 照料; 看护; 治疗
2. caring
英 [ˈkeərɪŋ]
美 [ˈkerɪŋ]
护理; 照顾
caring (adjective)
1) If someone is caring, they are affectionate, helpful, and sympathetic.
2) If you describe someone as caring, you mean that they care about other people and their feelings.
caring (adjective)
Feeling or showing care and compassion.
1) a caring person/attitude/relationship
2) a caring profession
3) caring responsibilities/duties
- She is a caring mother who always puts her children first.(她是一个关心孩子、总是把孩子放在第一位的母亲。)
- He is known for his caring nature and always helps those in need.(他以他关心他人的天性而闻名,并总是帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
- She showed caring concern for her injured friend.(她对她受伤的朋友表现出关切。)
- As a nurse, she has a caring profession.(作为一名护士,她从事着一份充满关爱的职业。)
- The caring responsibilities of parents should not be underestimated.(父母的照顾责任不应被低估。)
- She has a caring attitude towards animals and is involved in animal protection activities.(她对动物有着关心的态度,并参与了动物保护活动。)
- The caring nature of the teacher made a great difference in the lives of her students.(这位教师的关心天性对她的学生的生活产生了很大的影响。)
- He was grateful for the caring support he received during his difficult times.(在他困难的时候,他对所受到的关心支持心怀感激。)
- The caring relationship between the couple has lasted for over 40 years.(这对夫妇之间的关心关系已经持续了40多年。)
- She has chosen a caring profession to help those in need.(她选择了一份关怀他人的职业,来帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
- He has always shown caring concern for the well-being of his employees.(他一直对员工的福利表现出关切之心。)
- The nurse provided caring and attentive service to the elderly patients.(护士为老年患者提供了关心和细心的服务。)
- The caring duties of a parent include providing love and support to their children.(作为父母的关心责任包括给予孩子们爱和支持。)
- She has a naturally caring personality and is always there for her friends.(她天生有着关心的个性,总是在朋友需要的时候伸出援手。)
- His caring attitude towards his students has made him a beloved teacher.(他对学生的关心态度使他成为一位受到爱戴的教师。)
- The caring nature of the organization is evident in their efforts to help those in need.(该组织的关心天性在他们帮助那些需要帮助的人的努力中显而易见。)
- She showed caring concern for her colleague who was going through a difficult time.(她对正在经历困难时期的同事表现出关切。)
- The caring support of her family helped her get through the tough times.(家人的关心支持帮助她度过了艰难时刻。)
- He has a caring heart and always thinks of others before himself.(他有一颗关心之心,总是把别人放在自己之前考虑。)
- The caring relationship between the doctor and patient is crucial for effective treatment.(医生和患者之间的关心关系对于有效治疗至关重要。)
- She has a caring nature and is always ready to lend a helping hand.(她有一颗关心的天性,并且总是愿意伸出援手。)