1. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: - 合拢的,粘合的,凝聚的 - 连贯的,一致的词语辨析
- adj. cohering, cohered, coheres - 与adhere的区别:cohere强调物体间的粘合,adhere强调物体附着在另一物体上。词汇扩充
- verb. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: 粘合,凝聚 - noun. coherence [kəʊˈhɪərəns]: 连贯性,一致性 - noun. coherency [kəʊˈhɪərənsi]: 连贯性,一致性名词
1. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: - 粘合力,凝聚力近义词
- noun. coherence [kəʊˈhɪərəns]: 连贯性,一致性 - noun. consistence [kənˈsɪstəns]: 一致性反义词
- verb. disintegrate [dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt]: 瓦解,分解 - noun. incoherence [ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪərəns]: 不连贯,不一致柯林斯词典
- verb. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: If a group of people or things cohere, they are united and work well together. - 例句:The party has failed to cohere as a united political force. - noun. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: Cohere is the force that keeps the particles of a solid together. - 例句:The strength of a material depends on the cohere of its particles.牛津词典
- verb. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: Be united; form a whole. - 例句:Different societies are held together by the degree to which their members cohere in their beliefs and values. - verb. cohere [kəʊˈhɪə(r)]: (of an argument, theory, or policy) be logical, consistent, or harmonious. - 例句:The president's speech failed to cohere as a persuasive argument.例句
- The molecules in the liquid cohere to form a stable compound. - 液体中的分子会凝聚成一个稳定的化合物。 - The team's success is due to their ability to cohere and work towards a common goal. - 这个团队的成功归功于他们的凝聚力和共同的目标。 - The essay lacks coherence as the arguments jump from one point to another without a clear connection. - 这篇文章缺乏连贯性,各个论点之间没有明确的联系。 - The coherence of her novel is praised by critics. - 她的小说的连贯性受到了评论家的赞扬。中英双语例句
His policies lack coherence and it's difficult to convince people to support him.
The storylines in this book are incredibly captivating, and each chapter coheres seamlessly.
These organized protests demonstrate the collective concern and cohesive action of people towards this issue.
Their disharmonious relationship poses a threat to the cohesion of the entire company.
The party has failed to cohere as a united political force before the election.
The diverse population composition of this city has helped maintain social stability and coherence.
This argument lacks coherence and fails to support his viewpoint.
This policy lacks coherence with our previous decisions.
The community has developed a strong cohesion through the pursuit of common interests and goals.
The team's success lies in their ability to work closely together and cohere towards their goals.
The social coherence of this country is supported by shared history and cultural values.
The conclusions of this research report do not cohere with the actual data.
There is a lack of logical coherence between the viewpoints and argumentation methods in this paper.
This adhesive has good cohesion and can securely bond objects together.
The coherence between the molecules of this material is very strong.
The cohesion among family members is crucial for a stable family environment.
The team's cohesiveness allows them to quickly address issues and reach consensus.
The internal division within the party resulted in the loss of coherence for winning the election.
This material loses its cohesion at high temperatures.
The coherence of this policy ensures its effective implementation.
The coherence of the experimental results confirms the validity of our hypothesis.
The team has built strong cohesion through open communication and collaboration.
The cohesion among members of this religious group is a result of their shared beliefs.