1. 名词
junkie [ˈdʒʌŋki]1. 吸毒者;瘾君子
2. 对某事物上瘾的人;沉溺者
3. 着迷者;狂热爱好者
4. 纸片收集者;废品回收者
- drug junkie 吸毒者 - adrenaline junkie 寻求刺激的人 - coffee junkie 咖啡狂热者 - gaming junkie 游戏迷近义词:
drug addict, substance abuser, user, narcotic addict反义词:
sober person, non-addict2. 形容词
junkie [ˈdʒʌŋki]1. 吸毒的;瘾君子的
2. 沉溺于某事物的;痴迷的
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)定义:
junkie1. A junkie is someone who is addicted to drugs.
2. If you describe someone as a junkie, you mean that they are very enthusiastic about a particular thing or activity.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)定义:
junkie1. A person with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency on something.
2. A drug addict.
- He used to be a junkie, but now he's clean and sober. 他过去是个吸毒者,但现在戒毒清醒了。 - She's a coffee junkie and can't start her day without a cup of coffee. 她是个咖啡狂热者,一天不喝咖啡就无法开始。例句:
- He's a junkie who would do anything for his next fix. - 他是个为了下一次吸毒而不择手段的瘾君子。
- The city is full of adrenaline junkies who seek thrill in extreme sports. - 这个城市里到处都是寻求极限运动刺激的狂热爱好者。
- She's a junkie for romantic novels, she can't get enough of them. - 她对言情小说着迷,永远读不够。
- John is a junkie when it comes to collecting vintage stamps. - 约翰是个对收集古董邮票着迷的人。
- Once a junkie, always a junkie. - 一朝酒鬼,终身酒鬼。
- She's been a junkie for fashion ever since she was a teenager. - 自从十几岁时起,她就对时尚着迷。
- The film is a must-see for all superhero junkies. - 这部电影对所有超级英雄迷来说是一部必看之作。
- He's a junkie for computer games and can play for hours on end. - 他是个电脑游戏狂热爱好者,可以连续玩几个小时。
- She used to be a heroin junkie, but she managed to turn her life around. - 她曾是个海洛因瘾君子,但她设法改变了自己的生活。
- The junkie searched through the trash for anything of value. - 这个废品回收者在垃圾中搜寻有价值的东西。
- He's a junkie for adrenaline rushes and loves skydiving and bungee jumping. - 他对刺激追求上瘾,喜欢跳伞和蹦极。
- Despite his years of drug abuse, he managed to overcome his junkie lifestyle. - 尽管多年吸毒,他设法克服了瘾君子的生活方式。
- Don't let yourself become a junkie of material possessions. - 别让自己沉迷于物质财富。
- She's a coffee junkie and can't function without at least three cups a day. - 她是个咖啡狂热者,一天至少需要三杯咖啡才能正常运作。
- He's a junkie for celebrity gossip and always knows the latest scandals. - 他对名人八卦着迷,总是了解最新的丑闻。
- She used to be a shopaholic, but now she's recovered and no longer a junkie for shopping. - 她过去是个购物狂,但现在已康复,不再对购物上瘾。
- The city has a vibrant music scene, attracting music junkies from all over the world. - 这座城市有着充满活力的音乐场景,吸引了来自世界各地的音乐迷。
- He's a junkie for adventure and loves exploring uncharted territories. - 他对冒险着迷,喜欢探索未知领域。
- She's a book junkie and can finish a novel within a day. - 她是个书迷,可以在一天之内读完一本小说。
- He used to be a junkie for fast food, but now he's adopted a healthy eating lifestyle. - 他过去是个快餐上瘾者,但现在已采用健康饮食的生活方式。