中英词典 - "humping"
1. 负担重的;艰难的 - 英文释义:burdened with a heavy load; difficult - 例句: - The humping backpack made the trek up the mountain even more challenging.(负重背包让登山更具挑战性。) - He struggled with humping boxes up the stairs.(他费力地拖着箱子上楼。) 2. 性欲强烈的;兴奋的 - 英文释义:having strong sexual desires; excited - 例句: - The dogs were humping each other in the park.(狗在公园里互相交配。) - The humping teenagers were caught in an intimate moment.(被发现时,这对兴奋的青少年正在亲密接触。)名词
1. 驮运;拖运 - 英文释义:the act of carrying or hauling heavy loads - 例句: - The humping of supplies to the remote village was challenging.(驮运物资到偏远村庄是一项具有挑战性的任务。) - The soldiers were exhausted from the humping during the military exercise.(士兵们在军事演习中搬运物资后感到筋疲力尽。) 2. 性交;交配 - 英文释义:sexual intercourse; copulation - 例句: - The mating process involves humping between the male and female animals.(交配过程中,雄性和雌性动物会进行性交。) - The dogs were caught in the act of humping.(这些狗被当场发现在交配。)词语辨析
- Humping vs. Carrying - Humping强调负担重的、艰难的,通常用于描述驮运或拖运重物。 - They were humping heavy backpacks up the mountain. - Carrying强调携带或搬运物品,不一定涉及负重或困难。 - She was carrying a bag of groceries.词汇扩充
- hump:驼峰;驮运;性交(动词、名词) - haul:拖;拉;运送(动词、名词) - burden:负担;负荷(动词、名词) - copulation:交配(名词) - mount:爬上;骑上;安装(动词)近义词
- carrying, lugging, transporting, toting, heaving反义词
- unburdened, light, easy柯林斯词典
- 暂无数据牛津词典
- 暂无数据用法
- 注意:该词有一些带有性暗示的含义,使用时需要注意语境和场合。例句
- The humping backpack made the trek up the mountain even more challenging.(负重背包让登山更具挑战性。)
- He struggled with humping boxes up the stairs.(他费力地拖着箱子上楼。)
- The dogs were humping each other in the park.(狗在公园里互相交配。)
- The humping teenagers were caught in an intimate moment.(被发现时,这对兴奋的青少年正在亲密接触。)
- The humping of supplies to the remote village was challenging.(驮运物资到偏远村庄是一项具有挑战性的任务。)
- The soldiers were exhausted from the humping during the military exercise.(士兵们在军事演习中搬运物资后感到筋疲力尽。)
- The mating process involves humping between the male and female animals.(交配过程中,雄性和雌性动物会进行性交。)
- The dogs were caught in the act of humping.(这些狗被当场发现在交配。)
- He complained about the humping workload at his new job.(他抱怨他新工作中艰巨的工作量。)
- She found it awkward to witness her dogs humping in public.(她觉得目睹她的狗在公共场合交配很尴尬。)
- The humping movements of the camel fascinated the tourists.(骆驼的驮运动作吸引了游客们的注意。)
- After hours of humping, the delivery workers had sore backs.(搬运了几个小时后,送货员们的背很酸痛。)
- She watched a documentary about the humping habits of animals.(她看了一部关于动物交配习性的纪录片。)
- The humping motion of the train made it difficult to sleep.(火车的震动使得难以入眠。)
- He regretted humping such a heavy load on his own.(他后悔自己一个人驮运如此重的物品。)
- The dogs were playfully humping in the backyard.(狗在后院玩耍时互相跳跃。)
- The humping camels were a common sight in the desert.(在沙漠中,驮运的骆驼是常见的景象。)
- She laughed at the humping gestures of the mating birds.(她嘲笑交配的鸟类的性动作。)
- He enjoyed watching the humping dance moves at the club.(他喜欢在俱乐部观看性感的舞蹈动作。)
- The humping performance of the acrobats amazed the audience.(杂技演员的驮运表演使观众惊叹不已。)