1. 擦拭的;擦净的
- Use a clean cloth to wipe the surface.(用干净的布擦拭表面。)
- The nurse used an antiseptic wipe to clean the wound.(护士用消毒纸擦拭伤口。)
1. 湿巾;擦拭纸
英文:wet wipes
- She always carries wet wipes in her bag.(她总是随身携带湿巾。)
- After the meal, he wiped his hands with the wet wipe.(饭后,他用湿巾擦拭双手。)
2. 一次性纸巾
英文:paper towel
- Please pass me a paper towel to wipe up the spill.(请递给我一张纸巾擦拭溢出的液体。)
- She grabbed a paper towel to dry her hair.(她拿起一张纸巾擦干头发。)
1. wipe vs clean
- He wiped the table with a cloth.(他用布擦拭桌子。)
- She cleaned the entire room before the guests arrived.(客人到达之前,她清洁了整个房间。)
2. wipe vs rub
- She wiped the dust off the bookshelf.(她擦去书架上的灰尘。)
- He rubbed his sore muscles after a long run.(他跑完长跑后按摩酸痛的肌肉。)
1. facial wipes(面部湿巾)
2. screen wipes(屏幕擦拭纸)
3. lens wipes(镜片湿巾)
4. disinfectant wipes(消毒湿巾)
1. cleanse(清洁)
2. mop(拖地)
3. scrub(擦洗)
1. dirty(脏的)
2. stain(污渍)
3. soil(弄脏)
1. A wipe is a small wet or dry piece of paper or cloth that you use to clean something.
2. Wipes are moist tissues that are used for cleaning yourself, especially after going to the toilet.
1. A small piece of cloth or other material used for cleaning, applying a substance, etc.
2. A medicated or cleansing tissue used for cosmetic or sanitary purposes.
1. wipe something + adj.
- She wiped her face clean.(她擦干净了脸。)
- He wiped the table dry.(他把桌子擦干。)
2. wipe something + from/off something
- She wiped the dirt from her shoes.(她擦掉鞋子上的污垢。)
- He wiped the sauce off his shirt.(他擦掉衬衫上的酱汁。)
3. wipe something + away/off
- She wiped away her tears.(她擦去了眼泪。)
- He wiped off the makeup from his face.(他擦掉了脸上的化妆品。)
4. wipe something + on/onto something
- She wiped the paint on the canvas.(她在画布上涂抹颜料。)
- He wiped the sauce onto the bread.(他在面包上抹酱汁。)
1. She wiped the sweat from her brow with a handkerchief.(她用手帕擦去额头上的汗水。)
2. He used a wet wipe to clean the whiteboard.(他用湿巾擦拭白板。)
3. The mother wiped her child's face after eating.(母亲用纸巾擦拭孩子的脸。)
4. He wiped away his tears and put on a brave face.(他擦去眼泪,摆出勇敢的表情。)
5. She grabbed a tissue to wipe off the spilled coffee.(她拿起纸巾擦拭溢出的咖啡。)
6. He wiped the dust off the bookshelf with a cloth.(他用布擦去书架上的灰尘。)
7. She wiped the makeup off her face before going to bed.(她在睡觉前擦掉了脸上的化妆品。)
8. He used a lens wipe to clean his glasses.(他用镜片湿巾擦拭眼镜。)
9. After washing his hands, he realized there were no paper towels to wipe them dry.(洗完手,他发现没有纸巾可以擦干。)
10. The nurse used disinfectant wipes to clean the patient's wounds.(护士用消毒纸巾清洁病人的伤口。)
11. She wiped the spilled juice off the kitchen counter.(她擦掉厨房台面上溢出的果汁。)
12. He took out a screen wipe to clean the fingerprints off his phone.(他拿出屏幕擦拭纸擦去手机上的指纹。)
13. She always carries facial wipes in her bag for quick touch-ups.(她随身携带面部湿巾,以便快速修饰妆容。)
14. The cleaning staff used mop and wipes to keep the floors spotless.(清洁人员使用拖把和湿巾保持地面清洁无尘。)
15. He wiped the whiteboard with a dry erase marker.(他用干擦笔擦拭白板。)
16. She used a disinfectant wipe to clean the doorknob.(她用消毒纸巾擦拭门把手。)
17. He wiped the makeup off his face before going to the gym.(他在去健身房前擦掉脸上的化妆品。)
18. The teacher asked the student to wipe the whiteboard clean.(老师要求学生把白板擦干净。)
19. She grabbed a wet wipe to clean her hands after eating barbecue.(她吃完烧烤后拿起湿巾擦拭双手。)
20. He wiped his glasses on his shirt to remove the smudges.(他用衬衫擦眼镜上的污渍。)