1. 狭窄的
1. The road narrowed as we approached the village. (我们接近村庄时,道路变窄了。)
2. The narrow alley was difficult to navigate. (狭窄的小巷很难通过。)
3. The river becomes narrow at this point. (河流在这一点变窄。)
2. (观点、范围等)变窄的,收窄的
1. Their options narrowed as the deadline approached. (截止日期临近时,他们的选择变得越来越少。)
2. The investigation focused on a narrowed range of suspects. (调查集中在一小部分嫌疑人身上。)
3. The narrowed scope of the project made it more manageable. (项目的范围缩小,使其更易管理。)
1. 收窄,变窄
1. The narrow of the river made it difficult for large boats to pass through. (河流的变窄让大型船只难以通过。)
2. The narrowed of the road caused traffic congestion. (道路的收窄导致交通拥堵。)
3. We need to address the problem of the narrowed of our options. (我们需要解决选择变窄的问题。)
2. 局限,限制
1. The narrowed of choices made it difficult to make a decision. (选择的局限使得决策变得困难。)
2. The narrowed of resources hindered the completion of the project. (资源的限制阻碍了项目的完成。)
3. The narrowed of opportunities in the job market is a concern for many graduates. (就业市场机会的减少是许多毕业生关注的问题。)
1. narrow-minded:思想狭隘的
2. narrowness:狭窄,狭隘
3. narrow down:缩小范围,限制选择
4. narrow escape:九死一生
1. restricted
2. limited
3. confined
4. constricted
5. squeezed
1. widened
2. broadened
3. expanded
4. opened up
narrowed (adj.)
1. If something narrows or is narrowed, it becomes less wide or the distance between its sides becomes less.
2. If a choice or range of things narrows, it becomes smaller or more limited.
narrowed (adj.)
1. (of something that is wide) made less wide.
2. (of a choice or range of possibilities) made smaller or more limited.
1. The road narrowed as we entered the mountains.
2. The narrowed options forced him to make a difficult decision.
3. The narrowed of her focus enabled her to achieve success.
4. The narrowed scope of the study limited its findings.
5. The narrowed of the river prevented large ships from passing through.
6. The narrowed of their perspective hindered their understanding of the situation.
- The road narrowed as we approached the village. (我们接近村庄时,道路变窄了。)
- The narrow alley was difficult to navigate. (狭窄的小巷很难通过。)
- The river becomes narrow at this point. (河流在这一点变窄。)
- The investigation focused on a narrowed range of suspects. (调查集中在一小部分嫌疑人身上。)
- The narrowed scope of the project made it more manageable. (项目的范围缩小,使其更易管理。)
- Their options narrowed as the deadline approached. (截止日期临近时,他们的选择变得越来越少。)
- The narrowed of choices made it difficult to make a decision. (选择的局限使得决策变得困难。)
- The narrowed of resources hindered the completion of the project. (资源的限制阻碍了项目的完成。)
- The narrowed of the road caused traffic congestion. (道路的收窄导致交通拥堵。)
- We need to address the problem of the narrowed of our options. (我们需要解决选择变窄的问题。)
- The narrowed of the river made it difficult for large boats to pass through. (河流的变窄让大型船只难以通过。)
- The narrowed of opportunities in the job market is a concern for many graduates. (就业市场机会的减少是许多毕业生关注的问题。)
- He narrowly avoided the oncoming car. (他险些躲过了迎面而来的车辆。)
- They narrowed down the list of potential candidates. (他们缩小了潜在候选人的名单。)
- Her narrowed vision prevented her from seeing the bigger picture. (她狭隘的视野使她无法看到更大的局势。)
- The narrowed passageway was filled with people trying to exit the building. (狭窄的通道里挤满了试图离开建筑物的人。)
- With narrowed options, he had to make the best choice available. (选择变得有限,他必须做出最好的选择。)
- The narrowed focus of her research led to groundbreaking discoveries. (她狭窄的研究重点导致了开创性的发现。)
- As the river narrowed, the current became stronger. (随着河流变窄,水流变得更强劲。)
- The narrowed gate allowed only one person to pass through at a time. (狭窄的门一次只能让一个人通过。)
- The narrowed viewpoint of the article failed to address the complexity of the issue. (文章狭隘的观点未能解决问题的复杂性。)