1. 被毁坏的;被摧毁的
2. 毁灭的;毁坏的
1. 毁灭;破坏
2. 毁坏;摧毁
1. destroyer:破坏者
2. self-destruct:自我毁灭
3. destructible:可摧毁的
4. indestructible:不可毁坏的
5. destructive:破坏性的
6. destructiveness:破坏性
ruin, devastate, demolish, wreck
preserve, protect, save
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
destroy (verb)
If something destroys an object, it damages it so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be used.
destruction (noun)
Destruction is the act of destroying something, or the state of being destroyed.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
destroy (verb)
Put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.
destruction (noun)
The action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.
1. The fire destroyed the entire building.
2. The hurricane left behind a path of destruction.
3. The invading army aimed to destroy the enemy's military capabilities.
4. The disease can destroy a person's immune system.
- The earthquake destroyed the city's infrastructure. 地震摧毁了城市的基础设施。
- The floodwaters destroyed everything in their path. 洪水摧毁了路径上的一切。
- War can destroy families and communities. 战争可以摧毁家庭和社区。
- The bomb exploded and destroyed the entire building. 炸弹爆炸摧毁了整座建筑。
- His reckless behavior could destroy his career. 他的鲁莽行为可能毁掉他的事业。
- The wildfire destroyed acres of forest. 野火毁掉了数英亩的森林。
- The virus can destroy important data on your computer. 这个病毒能够摧毁你电脑上的重要数据。
- The artist destroyed his own artwork in a fit of anger. 这位艺术家在愤怒中毁掉了自己的艺术品。
- The strong winds destroyed the fragile construction. 强风摧毁了脆弱的建筑物。
- Years of neglect have destroyed the once-beautiful garden. 多年的忽视使曾经美丽的花园荒废不堪。
- The dictator's policies destroyed the economy of the country. 独裁者的政策摧毁了该国的经济。
- She felt like her heart had been destroyed by the breakup. 她感觉自己的心被分手摧毁了。
- He was determined to destroy any evidence of his involvement. 他决心摧毁任何与他有关的证据。
- The earthquake destroyed many historical landmarks. 地震摧毁了许多历史地标。
- They used explosives to destroy the bridge. 他们使用爆炸物炸毁了桥梁。
- The scandal threatened to destroy his political career. 这个丑闻威胁着摧毁他的政治生涯。
- She felt like her reputation had been destroyed by the false accusations. 她觉得自己的声誉被虚假指控摧毁了。
- Drug addiction can destroy families. 药物成瘾可以摧毁家庭。
- The storm destroyed the crop, leading to a food shortage. 暴风雨摧毁了庄稼,导致粮食短缺。
- He wanted to destroy all evidence of his involvement in the crime. 他想要摧毁自己在犯罪中的所有证据。
- The terrorist attack destroyed the sense of security in the city. 恐怖袭击摧毁了城市的安全感。