- 简洁有力的;精炼的
- (植物)髓;髓轴
- 要点;核心
- pithiness:简洁;精炼
- essence
- core
- gist
- superficiality
pith (noun)
- The pith of a plant is the soft, juicy substance in the center of its stem.
- The pith of an argument, speech, or piece of writing is its most important or basic part.
pithy (adjective)
- A pithy statement or piece of writing is short, direct, and full of meaning.
pith (noun)
- The spongy white tissue lining the rind of an orange, lemon, and other citrus fruits.
- Fibrous tissue forming the center of the stem in some plants.
- Essential or central part.
pithy (adjective)
- Concise and forcefully expressive.
- He carefully removed the pith from the orange peel.
- The pith of his argument was that technology can both help and hinder us.
- The book is filled with pithy sayings and wise observations.
- She gave a pithy summary of the situation.
- The pith of his argument was lost in the midst of his rambling speech. (他的漫无边际的演讲中丧失了他的论点的要点。)
- The article provides a pithy analysis of the current economic situation. (这篇文章对当前的经济状况进行了简明的分析。)
- She expressed her ideas in a few pithy sentences. (她用简洁的几句话表达了她的观点。)
- The pithy advice she received from her mentor stayed with her throughout her career. (她从导师那里得到的简洁建议一直伴随着她的职业生涯。)
- The pith of the matter is that we need to act quickly. (问题的要点是我们需要迅速采取行动。)
- He removed the pith from the stem of the plant. (他从植物的茎中取出了髓轴。)
- The pithy statement made by the speaker left a lasting impression on the audience. (演讲者所作的简明陈述给听众留下了深刻的印象。)
- The pith of the fruit is often discarded when eating. (吃水果时通常将果实的髓轴丢弃。)
- Her pithy remarks about the situation were met with applause. (她对这种情况的简明评述赢得了掌声。)
- He summarized the book's main points in a pithy paragraph. (他用简明的段落总结了这本书的要点。)
- The pith of the essay lies in its thought-provoking conclusion. (这篇文章的要点在于它发人深省的结论。)
- She gave a pithy response to the interviewer's question. (她对面试官的问题做出了简明的回应。)
- His pithy explanation clarified the complex concept. (他简明的解释阐明了复杂的概念。)
- The pithy quote at the beginning of the chapter set the tone for the entire book. (章节开始处简明的引语为整本书设定了基调。)
- Her pithy remarks were often quoted by her colleagues. (她的简明评述常常被同事引用。)
- The professor's pithy lecture left a lasting impression on the students. (教授简明的讲座给学生们留下了深刻的印象。)
- His pithy writing style made his articles popular among readers. (他简明的写作风格使他的文章深受读者欢迎。)
- The pithy statement captured the essence of the problem. (简洁的陈述捕捉到了问题的本质。)
- She provided a pithy summary of the project's progress. (她对项目进展进行了简明总结。)
- His pithy remark silenced the room. (他简洁的话语使整个房间安静了下来。)