形容词- 污秽的,腐败的
- 狭窄的
- 不洁的
- 狭窄的山谷
- 通道,小路
- 污点,玷污
pollute, contaminate, taint, soil
cleanse, purify, sanitize
defile in British English
- verb
- to make foul or dirty; pollute
- to tarnish or sully (a person's name, reputation, etc)
- noun
- a narrow pass or gorge, esp one between two mountains
- a single file of soldiers, etc
defile in English
- verb
- to make dirty or unclean; pollute
- to desecrate or profane (something sacred)
- to make (a stream, river, etc) foul or dirty; pollute
- noun
- a narrow pass or gorge, esp one between two mountains
- a march or parade of troops in file or column
动词用法:- He defiled the river by dumping chemicals into it.(他通过往河里倾倒化学品来污染了这条河。)
- The vandals defiled the church by spray-painting graffiti on the walls.(行凶者在教堂墙壁上喷涂涂鸦,玷污了教堂。)
- We hiked through a beautiful defile between the mountains.(我们穿过了两座山脉之间的一个美丽的峡谷。)
- The soldiers marched in single file through the defile.(士兵们在峡谷中成单行列队行进。)
- The factory's waste products defiled the nearby river.(工厂的废物污染了附近的河流。)
- Her reputation was defiled by false accusations.(她的名誉因为虚假指控而受到玷污。)
- They defiled the sacred ground by building a shopping center on it.(他们在神圣的土地上建了一个购物中心,玷污了这片土地。)
- The defile was so narrow that only one person could pass through at a time.(这个峡谷非常狭窄,一次只能通过一个人。)
- The soldiers marched in perfect formation through the rocky defile.(士兵们在崎岖的峡谷中以完美的队形前进。)
- The defile of the river caused environmental concerns.(河流的污染引起了环境担忧。)
- She felt a sense of defilement after being betrayed by her closest friend.(被她最亲近的朋友背叛后,她感到一种被玷污的感觉。)
- They walked through the narrow defile, surrounded by towering cliffs.(他们穿过狭窄的峡谷,四周是高耸的悬崖。)
- The soldiers advanced cautiously through the defile, aware of potential ambushes.(士兵们小心翼翼地穿过峡谷,意识到可能有伏击。)
- The defile of the river is a result of industrial pollution.(河流的污染是工业污染的结果。)
- They formed a single file and marched through the defile.(他们排成单行队列穿过峡谷。)
- His reputation was defiled by scandalous rumors.(他的名誉因为流言蜚语而受到玷污。)
- The defile was covered in trash and debris.(峡谷里到处是垃圾和碎片。)
- The defile between the mountains provided a natural passageway.(山脉之间的峡谷提供了一个自然的通道。)
- The troops cautiously navigated the treacherous defile.(部队小心翼翼地穿越危险的峡谷。)
- They defiled the pristine forest by cutting down trees illegally.(他们非法砍伐树木,玷污了原始森林。)
- The defile in the road caused a traffic jam.(道路上的狭路使交通堵塞。)
- They defiled the peaceful protest with violence.(他们以暴力玷污了和平抗议。)
- The troops were ambushed in the narrow defile.(部队在狭窄的峡谷中遭到伏击。)
- She felt a deep sense of defilement after being robbed in her own home.(在自己家中被抢劫后,她感到一种深深的被玷污的感觉。)