1. 街区(block):一个城市街道之间的区域,通常由四条街道围成。
- city block:城市街区
- residential block:住宅区街区
- office block:办公楼街区
近义词:block of buildings, city square
反义词:open space
- In New York City, each block is approximately 1/20th of a mile long.
- Our office is located in the next block.
2. 阻塞物(obstruction):妨碍或妨害行动或进展的物体或事物。
- building blocks:积木
- road blocks:路障
近义词:obstacle, barrier
反义词:clear path
- The fallen tree created a block in the road.
- She overcame the blocks in her path and achieved success.
3. 块状物(piece):通常是有规则的几何形状,用于建筑、制造或其他目的。
- wooden blocks:木块
- concrete blocks:混凝土块
近义词:piece, brick
- The child stacked the colorful blocks to build a tower.
- The construction workers used concrete blocks to build the wall.
1. 死的(dead):指肢体或器官无法活动或感觉的状态。
- numb blocks:麻木的身体部位
近义词:dead, paralyzed
- After the accident, he had a block arm and couldn't move it.
- The local anesthesia left her leg completely blocked.
2. 智力迟钝的(stupid):指思维迟缓或缺乏智慧。
- mentally blocked:智力迟缓的
近义词:stupid, unintelligent
反义词:clever, intelligent
- He always struggled with math and felt blocked when solving equations.
- She is not blocked; she just needs more time to understand the concept.
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Blocks(名词):Blocks are a toy that young children can play with. They are small squares or rectangles of wood, plastic, or metal, and you can build things with them.
Blocks(动词):Blocks means the same as block.
Block(名词):A block is a large solid piece of a hard material, especially rock, stone, or wood.
Block(动词):If you block a road, pipe, or passage, you prevent anything from going along it or through it, usually by putting an object or barrier across it.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Blocks(名词):A block is a large piece of a solid material that has flat sides and is usually square or rectangular.
Block(动词):When you block a road or passage, you prevent people or vehicles from getting past.
Block(形容词):If something such as a road or pipe is blocked, there is something in it or on it that prevents things from passing through it or along it.
- There is a children's playground around the block.
- The police set up road blocks to control the traffic.
- The artist carved a beautiful sculpture out of a block of marble.
- Please don't block the entrance with your bicycle.
- We need to remove the blockage in the pipe to allow water flow.
- The toddler knocked down the tower of blocks.
- She experienced a mental block while trying to solve the puzzle.
- He felt blocked and couldn't come up with any creative ideas.
- The injured player had a blocked arm and couldn't continue the game.
- The surgeon administered a nerve block to numb the patient's leg.
- My neighbor's car is blocking my driveway again.
- The protestors formed a human chain to block the entrance to the building.
- The road was blocked by fallen trees after the storm.
- The email attachment is too large and it's blocking the server.
- The writer had a writer's block and couldn't write anything for months.
- The drain is blocked with leaves and debris.
- The child built a tall tower with colorful building blocks.
- The construction workers used concrete blocks to build the wall.
- The whole city block was demolished to make space for a new shopping mall.
- She lives just a block away from the train station.
- There is a bakery on the corner of the next block.