1. 名词:
spawn [spɔːn] 1.(鱼类等的)卵,鱼卵,鱼苗 2.(人、动物或植物的)大量出现,大批涌现 3.(恶劣情况或事物的)来源2. 动词:
spawn [spɔːn] 1. 产卵 2. 产生,引起 3. 大量涌现,大批出现3. 形容词:
spawned [spɔːnd] 1. 由卵产生的 2. 由某事物引起的4. 词语辨析:
- spawn:指鱼类等动物产卵或大量出现 - generate:指产生或引起某种情况、行为或结果 - produce:指生产、制造或导致某事物的存在或发生 - engender:强调产生或引起某种情感、态度或反应 - give rise to:指引起或导致某种情况、行为或结果5. 词汇扩充:
- spawnling:[名词] 幼鱼,幼苗 - spawner:[名词] 产卵动物 - spawner migration:[名词] 产卵迁徙6. 近义词:
- reproduce - generate - engender - produce - give rise to7. 反义词:
- exterminate - annihilate - eliminate8. 柯林斯词典释义:
spawn [spɔːn] 1.(of fish, frogs, etc.)to produce or deposit (eggs) 2. to give rise to; generate 3.(of a person, animal, or plant)to produce (offspring)9. 牛津词典释义:
spawn [spɔːn] 1. (of a fish, frog, mollusk, crustacean, etc.) release or deposit eggs. 2. cause (something) to develop or begin, typically in a way that is quite sudden or dramatic. 3. (of a person) produce (offspring).用法说明
- spawn 作为名词时,通常指鱼类等动物的卵或大量出现的情况。作为动词时,指产卵、产生或引起某种情况或行为。 - spawned 是 spawn 的过去式和过去分词形式,既可以形容由卵产生的,也可以形容由某事物引起的情况。 - spawn 也可用作形容词,表示由卵产生的或由某事物引起的。例句
- Thousands of fish spawns were released into the river to increase the population. (数千只鱼苗被放入河中以增加种群数量。)
- The recent economic crisis has spawned a wave of protests. (最近的经济危机引发了一波抗议活动。)
- The company's success spawned a new generation of entrepreneurs. (公司的成功孕育出了一批新一代企业家。)
- The spawned creatures will be released into the ocean. (产卵的生物将被释放到海洋中。)
- The polluted river is the spawn of numerous health problems. (被污染的河流是许多健康问题的来源。)
- The novel spawned a series of movie adaptations. (这部小说催生了一系列电影改编。)
- The project spawned a range of innovative ideas. (这个项目催生了一系列创新的想法。)
- The fish spawned in the freshwater streams. (这种鱼在淡水河流中产卵。)
- The company's success spawned a wave of imitators. (公司的成功引发了一波模仿者。)
- The storm spawned several tornadoes. (这场暴风雨引发了几个龙卷风。)
- The overcrowded city is the spawn of various social problems. (这座过度拥挤的城市是各种社会问题的来源。)
- The spawned baby turtles made their way into the sea. (孵化出的小海龟们顺利进入了大海。)
- The company's unethical practices spawned public outrage. (公司的不道德做法引发了公众的愤怒。)
- The spawn of this invasive species poses a threat to the local ecosystem. (这种入侵物种的繁殖对当地生态系统构成威胁。)
- The movie spawned a number of sequels. (这部电影催生了许多续集。)
- The factory's pollution spawned health issues for nearby residents. (工厂的污染给附近居民带来了健康问题。)
- The spawned larvae will undergo metamorphosis before becoming adults. (孵化出的幼虫在成为成年虫之前将经历变态。)
- The economic downturn spawned a rise in crime rates. (经济下滑导致犯罪率上升。)
- The spawn of this species is highly vulnerable to changes in temperature. (这种物种的卵对温度变化非常敏感。)
- The research project spawned many scientific breakthroughs. (这个研究项目催生了许多科学突破。)