1. 贪心的;贪婪的
2. 紧握的;紧抓的
3. 理解力强的;领悟力强的
1. 贪婪;贪心
2. 抓握;抓住
3. 领悟力;理解力
1. grasping和greedy:两者都表示贪心的含义,但grasping更强调对财富、权力的贪婪。
2. grasping和graspingly:grasping是形容词,表示贪婪的;而graspingly是副词,表示贪婪地。
3. grasping和graspable:grasping是形容词,表示理解力强的;而graspable是形容词,表示可理解的。
greedy, avaricious, covetous, rapacious
generous, unselfish, selfless
grasping (adj.) If you describe someone as grasping, you are criticizing them because they are always trying to get things for themselves, without thinking of others.
grasping (adj.) Having or showing a keen interest in obtaining money or material possessions.
1. He is known for his grasping nature and never misses an opportunity to make money.
2. The grasping merchant overcharged the customers for the low-quality products.
3. She has a grasping mind and quickly understood the complex concepts.
1. The grasping businessman exploited the workers for his own gain. (这个贪婪的商人为了自己的利益剥削工人。)
2. He is always grasping for more power and control. (他总是渴望更多的权力和控制。)
3. The grasping hands of the beggar reached out for some coins. (乞丐伸出贪婪的手向人们要钱。)
4. She had a grasping understanding of the complex mathematical problem. (她对这个复杂的数学问题有着敏锐的理解力。)
5. The grasping nature of the politician was evident in his corrupt practices. (这位政客贪婪的本性在他的腐败行为中显而易见。)
6. He pursued his grasping desires without considering the consequences. (他追求贪婪的欲望,不顾后果。)
7. The grasping merchant took advantage of the desperate situation to hike the prices. (这个贪婪的商贩利用绝望的情况抬高了价格。)
8. Her grasping mind enabled her to solve the puzzle quickly. (她聪明的头脑使她能够迅速解决这个难题。)
9. The grasping CEO prioritized profits over the well-being of the employees. (这个贪婪的首席执行官将利润置于员工的福祉之上。)
10. The grasping relatives fought over the inheritance left by the deceased. (这些贪婪的亲戚们为去世者留下的遗产争吵不休。)
11. Despite his grasping nature, he was unable to accumulate much wealth. (尽管他贪婪,但他无法积累太多财富。)
12. The grasping hands of the toddler tried to grab the shiny object. (幼儿贪婪地伸出手去抓那个闪亮的物体。)
13. She possessed a grasping understanding of foreign languages and quickly learned to communicate. (她对外语有着敏锐的理解力,很快学会了交流。)
14. The grasping greed of the corporation led to unethical business practices. (这家公司的贪婪导致了不道德的商业行为。)
15. The grasping student eagerly absorbed knowledge from every available source. (这个渴望知识的学生从各种可获得的来源中积极吸取知识。)
16. The grasping landlord raised the rent without considering the financial situation of the tenants. (这个贪婪的房东在不考虑租户的财务状况的情况下提高了房租。)
17. His grasping ambition drove him to step over others to achieve his goals. (他贪婪的野心驱使他不惜踩着别人来实现目标。)
18. The grasping claws of the predator tightened around its prey. (捕食动物贪婪的爪子紧紧地攥住了猎物。)
19. Despite his grasping nature, he occasionally showed acts of generosity. (尽管他贪婪,但他偶尔也表现出慷慨的行为。)
20. The grasping executive exploited the company's resources for personal gain. (这位贪婪的高管为了个人利益而剥削公司的资源。)