1. shambles
例句:The whole project was in a shambles, with no clear direction or leadership.
1. shambles
例句:After the party, the living room was a shambles with empty bottles and scattered confetti.
2. shambles
例句:The butcher took the animals to the shambles to be prepared for sale.
shambolic (adj.):糟糕的,混乱的
shamble (v.):蹒跚而行
chaos (n.):混乱,无秩序
disorder (n.):无序,混乱
disarray (n.):混乱,凌乱
order (n.):秩序,有序
organization (n.):组织,有条理
tidiness (n.):整洁,井然有序
shambles (n.)
1. 混乱; 凌乱
2. 屠宰场; 肉市
shambles (n.)
1. 混乱; 凌乱
2. 屠宰场; 肉市
1. The office was in a shambles after the party last night.
2. The market turned into a shambles as people rushed to buy discounted goods.
3. The company's financial records were in such a shambles that it took months to sort them out.
1. The entire project was a shambles, and they had to start from scratch. (整个项目一团糟,他们不得不重新开始。)
2. The kitchen was left in a shambles after the cooking experiment gone wrong. (烹饪实验失败后,厨房一片狼藉。)
3. The government's policies have turned the economy into a shambles. (政府的政策让经济陷入了混乱。)
4. The team's defense was in a shambles, allowing their opponents to score easily. (球队的防守一片糟糕,让对手轻松得分。)
5. The city was in shambles after the earthquake, with buildings collapsed and roads blocked. (地震过后,城市一片废墟,建筑倒塌,道路封闭。)
6. The company's financial mismanagement has left its accounts in shambles. (公司的财务管理不善导致账目一片混乱。)
7. The concert venue was a shambles, with broken seats and inadequate sound system. (音乐会场地破破烂烂,座位破损,音响系统不完善。)
8. The team's performance was a shambles, and they lost the match by a large margin. (球队的表现糟糕透顶,他们以大比分输掉了比赛。)
9. The town's main street was a shambles during the festival, filled with stalls and crowds. (节日期间,镇上的主要街道一片繁忙,摊位和人群挤满了街道。)
10. The old factory had been left in a shambles, with broken machinery and abandoned materials. (老厂房一片狼藉,机器散乱,材料被遗弃。)
11. The party preparation was a shambles, with decorations in disarray and food not yet prepared. (派对准备一片混乱,装饰物乱七八糟,食物还未准备好。)
12. The project's timeline was a shambles, with missed deadlines and constant delays. (项目的时间表一团糟,错过了最后期限,不断延迟。)
13. The actor's performance was a shambles, forgetting lines and stumbling on stage. (演员的表演一片糟糕,忘词了,舞台上跌跌撞撞。)
14. The negotiations between the two countries were a shambles, with no agreements reached. (两国之间的谈判一团糟,没有达成任何协议。)
15. The garden was a shambles after the storm, with plants uprooted and flowers destroyed. (风暴过后,花园一片狼藉,植物被连根拔起,花朵被摧毁。)
16. The meeting ended in a shambles, with everyone arguing and no decisions made. (会议以混乱结束,每个人都在争吵,没有做出决定。)
17. The shop was a shambles after the Black Friday sale, with clothes thrown everywhere. (黑色星期五大促销后,商店一片狼藉,衣服到处乱扔。)
18. The team's strategy was a shambles, with no coordination and individual players making their own moves. (球队的战略一团糟,没有协调,个别球员各自行动。)
19. The bookshelf was a shambles, with books piled haphazardly and falling off. (书架一片杂乱,书籍堆放不整齐,有些掉了下来。)
20. The singer's live performance was a shambles, with off-key singing and forgotten lyrics. (歌手的现场表演一片糟糕,音准不准,歌词忘记了。)