1. dregs 词义:底渣的;残余的 例句: 1. The coffee in the pot was cold and tasted like dregs.(壶里的咖啡又冷又像渣子。) 2. He was left with the dregs of his fortune after a series of failed investments.(一连串失败的投资后,他只剩下了一点点财富的残余。)名词(Noun)
1. dregs 词义:渣滓;残渣 例句: 1. The dregs at the bottom of the cup were difficult to drink.(杯底的渣滓很难喝。) 2. The dregs of society often gather in this area.(社会底层的人常常聚集在这个地区。) 2. dregs 词义:废物;落后分子 例句: 1. The city's streets were filled with litter and dregs.(这个城市的街道上到处都是垃圾和废物。) 2. The new law aimed to eliminate the dregs of corruption in the government.(新法旨在消除政府中的腐败分子。)词语辨析
dregs, sediment, residue 这三个词都表示留在液体底部的沉淀物或残渣,但用法上有细微差别。其中,"dregs"指的是最不受欢迎的、最底层的残渣;"sediment"一般指悬浮在液体中的沉淀物;而"residue"则更广泛地指液体或其他物质留下的残余物。词汇扩充
dregs, lees, grounds 这三个词都可以指液体底部的沉淀物或残渣。其中,"dregs"侧重于贬义,指的是最不受欢迎或最低劣的部分;"lees"则专指葡萄酒或其他酒类发酵过程中产生的沉淀物;"grounds"一般用于指咖啡或茶叶的渣滓。近义词(Synonyms)
1. sediment 2. residue 3. lees 4. grounds 5. waste反义词(Antonyms)
1. cream 2. top柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
dregs (noun) 1. The dregs of a liquid are the small solid particles that have fallen to the bottom. 2. You can refer to people in a society who you consider to be the least pleasant or successful as the dregs or the dregs of society.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
dregs (noun) 1. The remnants of a liquid left in a container, together with any sediment or grounds. 2. The most worthless part or parts of something.用法(Usage)
1. The dregs of the coffee were left in the cup. (咖啡的渣滓留在杯子里。) 2. He was forced to drink the dregs of society. (他被迫与社会底层的人为伍。)相关例句
- The dregs of the tea settled at the bottom of the cup. (杯底沉淀了茶的渣滓。)
- After the party, only the dregs of the wine were left in the bottle. (派对结束后,瓶子里只剩下了酒的渣滓。)
- The dregs of society often end up in prison. (社会底层的人常常最终进了监狱。)
- He scraped the dregs of the food into the garbage can. (他把食物的残渣刮进了垃圾桶。)
- She felt like she was at the dregs of her life, with nowhere to go. (她感觉自己处在人生的低谷,无处可去。)
- The dregs of the coffee were bitter and unpleasant. (咖啡的残余很苦,很不好喝。)
- They were the dregs of the company, always causing trouble. (他们是公司里的败类,总是惹麻烦。)
- He managed to scrape together the dregs of his savings to buy a used car. (他设法凑齐了存款的残余来买了一辆二手车。)
- She looked at the dregs of her failed relationship and wondered where it all went wrong. (她看着这段失败的感情的残局,想知道哪里出了问题。)
- The dregs of the storm left behind a trail of destruction. (暴风雨的残留物带来了一片破坏。)
- He was left with the dregs of his inheritance after his father's debts were paid off. (他在偿还完父亲的债务后只剩下了遗产的残余。)
- They were the dregs of humanity, devoid of any compassion or empathy. (他们是人类的渣滓,没有任何同情心或共鸣。)
- She tried to scrape the dregs of the batter from the bowl into the baking pan. (她试图把碗里的面糊残渣刮到烤盘里。)
- The dregs of the paint settled at the bottom of the can. (油漆的残渣沉淀在罐底。)
- He felt like he was at the dregs of his career, with no prospects for advancement. (他感觉自己的职业生涯已经到了谷底,没有晋升的前途。)
- The dregs of the soap were left in the dish after washing the dishes. (洗完碗后,肥皂的残留物留在了盘子里。)
- They were the dregs of the school, always causing trouble and getting into fights. (他们是学校里的败类,总是惹麻烦并打架。)
- He poured the dregs of the wine down the sink. (他把酒的残渣倒进了水槽。)
- She scraped the dregs of the toothpaste from the tube onto her toothbrush. (她把牙膏的残渣从管子上刮到牙刷上。)
- The dregs of the oil floated on the surface of the water. (油的渣滓漂浮在水面上。)