1. 观察的;注意的
Definition: noticing or watching someone or something carefully
- I have been quietly observing his behavior for some time.
- 我已经静静地观察他的行为有一段时间了。
- She is a keen and observing student.
- 她是一个聪明且细心的学生。
2. 遵守的;奉行的
Definition: following a custom, rule, or law
- As a soldier, he was faithful in observing the military code.
- 作为一名士兵,他忠实地遵守军事纪律。
- We should be observing traffic regulations.
- 我们应该遵守交通规则。
3. 详细的;周密的
Definition: paying careful attention to details
- She is an observing person, always noticing the smallest details.
- 她是一个细心的人,总是注意到最细微的细节。
- He has a keen and observing eye for art.
- 他对艺术有着敏锐的洞察力。
1. 观察
Definition: the action or process of observing someone or something carefully
- The scientists conducted a year-long observing of the behavior of the endangered species.
- 科学家们对濒危物种的行为进行了一年的观察。
- His keen observing of human nature makes him a great psychologist.
- 他对人性的敏锐观察使他成为一位伟大的心理学家。
2. 观察者;目击者
Definition: a person who watches or notices something
- The police are appealing for any witnesses or observings of the accident to come forward.
- 警方呼吁任何目击过事故的人提供线索。
- She was an observing of the crime scene and provided valuable information to the investigators.
- 她是犯罪现场的目击者,为调查人员提供了有价值的信息。
observe, watch, and notice
observe 一般强调经过有意识的注意或仔细观察,通常指通过观察得出结论或观点。
watch 侧重于持续的观察,强调目不转睛地注视。
notice 一般指注意到某件事情或某个人的存在。
- He observed the bird's behavior for hours.
- 他观察了几个小时的鸟类行为。
- I watched the sunset from my balcony.
- 我从阳台上观看日落。
- I noticed a strange smell coming from the kitchen.
- 我注意到厨房里有一股奇怪的味道。
1. observational(形容词,观察的)
Definition: relating to or based on observation or watching
- Observational studies have shown a correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
- 观察研究表明吸烟与肺癌之间存在相关性。
- She conducted an observational research on children's behavior in different situations.
- 她进行了一项关于不同情境下儿童行为的观察性研究。
2. observer(名词,观察者)
Definition: a person who watches or notices something
- The wildlife reserve attracts many bird observers from around the world.
- 野生动物保护区吸引了来自世界各地的许多鸟类观察者。
- He is an avid observer of human behavior.
- 他是一个对人类行为十分热衷的观察者。
watch, notice, perceive, see, view
ignore, overlook, neglect
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
observing (adjective)
1. attentive, watchful, or careful
- He was an observing child, always watching and learning.
- 他是个观察力敏锐的孩子,总是观察和学习。
- The observing crowd waited in anticipation for the arrival of the famous actor.
- 等待中的观众们期待着那位著名演员的到来。
2. of or relating to observation
- The scientist conducted an observing study to gather data on the behavior of the species.
- 科学家进行了一项观察性研究,以收集该物种的行为数据。
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
observing (adjective)
1. Quick to notice things
- She was an observing child, always aware of her surroundings.
- 她是个敏锐的孩子,总是注意到周围的事物。
- An observing detective can pick up on subtle clues.
- 一个敏锐的侦探可以察觉到微妙的线索。
2. In accordance with, or fulfilling, the requirements of a law, rule, or principle
- The company has a strict policy of observing ethical business practices.
- 该公司严格遵守道德商业行为的政策。
- She is known for observing the traditions and customs of her culture.
- 她以遵守自己文化的传统和习俗而著名。
1. observing 作为形容词,修饰名词时,表示“观察的、注意的”。
2. observing 作为名词,表示“观察、观察者”。
3. observing 可以用作现在分词形式,表示进行中的动作或状态。
4. observing 常用于科学、研究、法律等领域。
5. 注意 observe 与 observing 的区别:observe 是动词,表示“观察、注意、遵守”;observing 是形容词或名词,表示“观察的、注意的、观察、观察者”。
- I have been quietly observing his behavior for some time.
- 我已经静静地观察他的行为有一段时间了。
- She is a keen and observing student.
- 她是一个聪明且细心的学生。
- As a soldier, he was faithful in observing the military code.
- 作为一名士兵,他忠实地遵守军事纪律。
- We should be observing traffic regulations.
- 我们应该遵守交通规则。
- She is an observing person, always noticing the smallest details.
- 她是一个细心的人,总是注意到最细微的细节。
- He has a keen and observing eye for art.
- 他对艺术有着敏锐的洞察力。
- The scientists conducted a year-long observing of the behavior of the endangered species.
- 科学家们对濒危物种的行为进行了一年的观察。
- His keen observing of human nature makes him a great psychologist.
- 他对人性的敏锐观察使他成为一位伟大的心理学家。
- The police are appealing for any witnesses or observings of the accident to come forward.
- 警方呼吁任何目击过事故的人提供线索。
- She was an observing of the crime scene and provided valuable information to the investigators.
- 她是犯罪现场的目击者,为调查人员提供了有价值的信息。