动词: 1. If you inhale something such as a gas or smoke, or if you inhale air that contains it, you breathe it in. 例如:She had been inhaling poisonous fumes. 她一直在吸入有毒气体。 2. If you inhale, you take air or gas into your lungs by breathing in. 例如:She put the mask on, inhaling deeply. 她戴上面罩,深深地吸了一口气。牛津词典释义:
动词: 1. Breathe in (air, gas, smoke, etc.). 例如:She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.用法:
- She inhaled deeply and blew out the candles on her birthday cake. (她深深吸了一口气,吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。)
- The patient was instructed to inhale the medication through a nebulizer. (医生指示患者通过雾化器吸入药物。)
- He accidentally inhaled some smoke while cooking. (他在做饭时不小心吸入了一些烟。)
- She took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh mountain air. (她深吸了一口气,吸入了清新的山间空气。)
- The doctor advised her to inhale slowly and deeply to calm her nerves. (医生建议她缓慢深呼吸以平静神经。)
- She inhaled the fragrance of the blooming flowers in the garden. (她吸入了花园中盛开花朵的香气。)
- He inhaled the smoky air of the nightclub and felt a sense of nostalgia. (他吸入了夜总会里烟雾弥漫的空气,感到一丝怀旧之情。)
- As the diver surfaced, he inhaled a lungful of fresh air. (潜水员浮出水面时,他吸了一口满肺的新鲜空气。)
- The doctor warned her not to inhale the dust particles from the construction site. (医生警告她不要吸入建筑工地的尘埃颗粒。)
- She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and prepared for the roller coaster ride. (她闭上眼睛,深深吸了一口气,准备好坐过山车。)
- He accidentally inhaled a bug while jogging in the park. (他在公园慢跑时不小心吸入了一只虫子。)
- The yoga instructor instructed the students to inhale through their noses and exhale through their mouths. (瑜伽教练要求学生们通过鼻子吸气,通过嘴巴呼气。)
- The doctor prescribed an inhaler for her asthma, which she needed to use twice a day. (医生为她的哮喘开了一款吸入器,她每天需要使用两次。)
- She inhaled the scent of freshly baked bread and felt her mouth water. (她吸了一口新鲜烤面包的香气,口水都流了出来。)
- He inhaled deeply before stepping onto the stage to calm his nerves. (他深吸一口气,然后走上舞台平静自己的紧张情绪。)
- The doctor advised him to inhale the steam from the hot water to help clear his sinuses. (医生建议他吸入热水蒸气来帮助通清鼻窦。)
- She accidentally inhaled a fly while laughing with her mouth open. (她张嘴大笑时不小心吸入了一只苍蝇。)
- He inhaled the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee and felt instantly awake. (他吸了一口新煮咖啡的香气,立刻感到清醒起来。)
- She inhaled the sweet smell of the flowers as she walked through the garden. (她走过花园时,吸入了花朵的甜美香气。)
- He inhaled the salty sea air and felt a sense of calmness wash over him. (他吸了一口咸咸的海风,感到一种宁静的感觉涌上心头。)
- The doctor told her to inhale deeply and hold her breath before blowing into the breathalyzer. (医生告诉她深呼吸并屏住呼吸,然后对着酒精测试仪吹气。)