esteemed [adjective]
esteemed [noun]
在形容词的意义上,"esteemed" 可以与 "respected" 和 "highly regarded" 进行辨析。在名词的意义上,"esteemed" 可以与 "respect" 和 "admiration" 进行辨析。
esteemed [adjective]
- 英 [ɪ'sti:md];美 [ɪ'sti:md]
- 受到尊敬的,受推崇的;尊敬的人
esteemed [adjective]
- 英 [ɪ'sti:md];美 [ɪ'sti:md]
- 受人尊敬的;受人推崇的
Esteemed is used to describe someone who is highly regarded or respected by others. It is often used as a formal way of expressing admiration or respect for someone's achievements, qualities, or position.
- I would like to express my gratitude to all the esteemed guests for their presence here tonight.(我想对今晚出席的所有尊敬的来宾表示感谢。)
- The esteemed professor delivered a thought-provoking lecture on quantum mechanics.(备受尊敬的教授发表了一场引人深思的量子力学讲座。)
- We are honored to have the esteemed author as our keynote speaker.(我们很荣幸邀请到备受推崇的作家作为我们的主讲嘉宾。)
- The company's achievements have been widely recognized by esteemed industry professionals.(公司的成就得到了业内备受推崇的专业人士的广泛认可。)
- The esteemed doctor has dedicated his life to helping others.(这位备受尊敬的医生将自己的一生都奉献给了帮助他人。)
- The esteemed panel of judges will select the winner of the prestigious award.(备受推崇的评委团将选出这个重要奖项的获奖者。)
- My esteemed colleagues have provided valuable insights into the project.(我备受尊敬的同事们对这个项目提供了宝贵的见解。)
- It is an esteemed privilege to be invited to speak at this prestigious event.(能够受邀在这个重要的活动上发言是一种备受尊敬的特权。)
- We extend our warmest welcome to all our esteemed guests.(我们向所有受尊敬的客人致以最热烈的欢迎。)
- The esteemed author's new book has received rave reviews from critics.(备受推崇的作家的新书在评论家中获得了好评。)
- The esteemed professor was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research.(这位备受尊敬的教授因其开创性的研究获得了诺贝尔奖。)
- The esteemed director has been recognized for his contributions to the film industry.(备受推崇的导演因其对电影行业的贡献而受到了认可。)
- It is an esteemed tradition to honor our elders on this special day.(在这个特殊的日子里,尊敬我们的长辈是一种备受推崇的传统。)
- Our esteemed guest speaker will share her insights on leadership in today's business world.(我们备受尊敬的嘉宾演讲人将分享她对当今商业世界领导力的见解。)
- As one of the esteemed members of the committee, your opinion carries great weight.(作为委员会备受尊敬的成员之一,您的意见具有重要影响力。)
- The esteemed judge presided over the high-profile trial with fairness and integrity.(这位备受尊敬的法官以公正和正直的方式主持了这场备受关注的审判。)
- The esteemed composer's music has touched the hearts of millions around the world.(备受推崇的作曲家的音乐触动了全球数百万人的心灵。)
- We are grateful for the guidance and support of our esteemed mentors.(我们对备受推崇的导师的指导和支持表示感激。)
- The esteemed diplomat played a crucial role in negotiating the peace treaty.(备受推崇的外交家在和平条约的谈判中发挥了关键作用。)
- Our esteemed guest of honor will present the prestigious award to the winner.(我们备受推崇的荣誉嘉宾将向获奖者颁发这个重要奖项。)
- The esteemed professor was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the international conference.(备受尊敬的教授受邀在国际会议上发表主旨演讲。)