中英词典 - dyke
1. dyke [daɪk] (informal, offensive) - 词义:同性恋女性(对女同性恋的侮辱性用语) - 例句:She is often referred to as a dyke because of her masculine appearance. - 翻译:由于她的男性化外表,她经常被称为“女同性恋”。名词
1. dyke [daɪk] - 词义1:(水利工程)堤坝,水坝 - 例句:The dyke was built to protect the town from flooding. - 翻译:这座堤坝是为了保护城镇免受洪水侵袭而修建的。 2. dyke [daɪk] (informal, offensive) - 词义:女同性恋(对女同性恋的侮辱性用语) - 例句:She proudly identifies as a dyke and is active in the LGBTQ+ community. - 翻译:她自豪地认同为“女同性恋”,并积极参与LGBTQ+社区活动。词语辨析
- dyke (名词) 和 dyke (形容词) 在含义上有很大的差异,一个是指水坝或堤坝,另一个是对女同性恋的贬低性用语。词汇扩充
- lesbian:女同性恋,女同志 - gay:男同性恋,男同志 - homosexual:同性恋的 - LGBT:女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别的群体 - LGBTQ+:包括女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和其他性少数群体的群体近义词
- lesbian (名词):女同性恋 - gay (名词):男同性恋反义词
- heterosexual (名词):异性恋柯林斯词典
- dyke (名词):A dyke is a wall that is built to stop water flooding onto land. It is often built across a river or canal. - dyke (名词):A dyke is a thick wall of soil and stone, built to stop water from flooding onto low-lying land. - dyke (名词):In Britain, a dyke is a bank of earth that is used to separate fields. - dyke (名词):A dyke is a lesbian.牛津词典
- dyke (名词):A wall built to prevent flooding by holding back water. - dyke (名词):A thick wall of earth or concrete built to control or keep back water. - dyke (名词):A long, low wall, typically of earth or stone, built to separate fields. - dyke (名词):A lesbian.用法
- "dyke" 作为形容词时,常常是带有侮辱性的,不应该使用。 - "dyke" 作为名词时,除了指水坝或堤坝的意义外,也是对女同性恋的贬低性用语,应该避免使用。 - 在正式场合或者对他人表达尊重的场合中,应该使用"lesbian" 或 "gay" 来替代 "dyke"。例句
- He built a dyke to protect his property from the river.(他修建了一道堤坝来保护他的财产免受河水侵袭。)
- The fields are separated by a dyke.(这些田地是由一道堤坝分开的。)
- She is often referred to as a dyke because of her masculine appearance.(由于她的男性化外表,她经常被称为“女同性恋”。)
- The dyke was breached during the heavy rain, causing flooding in the area.(在大雨期间,堤坝被冲破,导致该地区发生洪水。)
- She proudly identifies as a dyke and is active in the LGBTQ+ community.(她自豪地认同为“女同性恋”,并积极参与LGBTQ+社区活动。)
- The government plans to reinforce the dyke to prevent future flooding.(政府计划加固堤坝以防止未来的洪水。)
- The dyke was built to protect the town from flooding.(这座堤坝是为了保护城镇免受洪水侵袭而修建的。)
- The dyke runs along the riverbank to prevent erosion.(堤坝沿着河岸延伸,以防止侵蚀。)
- The farmer is repairing the damaged dyke after the storm.(农民正在暴风雨过后修复损坏的堤坝。)
- Many lesbian activists have reclaimed the term "dyke" as a positive identity.(许多女同性恋活动人士将“女同性恋”这个词重新定义为积极的身份认同。)
- The dyke diverts water away from the fields and into the canal.(堤坝将水从田地引导到了运河中。)
- She was insulted when someone called her a dyke because of her short hair.(有人因为她的短发而称呼她为“女同性恋”,她感到受到了侮辱。)
- The dyke prevents the river from overflowing and flooding the town.(堤坝阻止了河水溢出并淹没了城镇。)
- He decided to build a dyke to protect his crops from the rising water levels.(他决定修建一道堤坝,以保护他的庄稼免受水位上涨的影响。)
- The dyke was breached during the storm, causing extensive damage to the surrounding area.(在暴风雨期间,堤坝被冲破,导致周围地区遭受了严重破坏。)
- She proudly identifies as a dyke and embraces her sexuality.(她自豪地认同为“女同性恋”并接受她的性取向。)
- The dyke was reinforced with additional layers of soil to make it stronger.(堤坝在外面加固了额外的土层,使其更加坚固。)
- They are planning to build a new dyke to protect the coastline from erosion.(他们计划修建一道新的堤坝,以保护海岸线免受侵蚀。)
- She was hurt by the derogatory comments calling her a dyke.(有人用贬低性的话语称呼她为“女同性恋”,她感到受伤了。)
- The dyke was breached due to heavy rainfall, causing widespread flooding in the area.(由于降雨量大,堤坝被冲破,导致该地区发生了大范围的洪水。)