gagging [形容词] 1. 需要堵住嘴巴的,禁止说话的 2. 想要呕吐的,作呕的 gagging [名词] 1. 堵住嘴巴的东西,口球 2. 强制性的禁言,言论限制词语辨析
gagging的相关词汇扩充: 形容词: - stifled(被扼制的) - muzzled(被堵住嘴巴的) - silenced(被禁声的) 名词: - restraint(约束) - prohibition(禁止) - censorship(审查制度)近义词
形容词: - silenced - muted - stifled 名词: - restraint - prohibition - censorship反义词
形容词: - outspoken - vocal - expressive 名词: - freedom of speech - expression - openness柯林斯词典
gagging [形容词] 1. If someone is gagging for something, they want it very much. 2. If someone is gagging to do something, they want to do it very much. gagging [名词] 1. the act of preventing someone from speaking, or something that prevents this 2. the act of making someone feel as if they want to vomit, or something that makes them feel this way牛津词典
gagging [形容词] 1. Feel or cause to feel a strong aversion to something. 2. Prevent or be prevented from speaking freely or at all, especially by being gagged. gagging [名词] 1. The act of forcibly preventing someone from speaking. 2. The act of choking or retching.用法
形容词用法: 1. He was gagging for a drink after the long hike. (他渴望喝一杯,在长途徒步后。) 2. She is gagging to see the new movie. (她渴望看这部新电影。) 3. The strong smell of the garbage had me gagging. (垃圾的强烈气味让我感到作呕。) 名词用法: 1. The journalist was threatened with gagging if he continued to investigate the corruption. (如果继续调查腐败问题,这名记者将面临禁言的威胁。) 2. The gagging of the witness by the defendant raised concerns about a fair trial. (被告方对证人的禁言引发了对公正审判的担忧。)例句
- The child was gagging on the foul taste of the medicine. (孩子因药品的难闻味道而作呕。)
- I felt like I was gagging as I walked through the smoky room. (当我穿过烟雾弥漫的房间时,感觉自己快要作呕。)
- The protesters were gagging for justice to be served. (抗议者渴望正义得到伸张。)
- The government's gagging of the media raised concerns about freedom of speech. (政府对媒体的禁言引发了对言论自由的担忧。)
- She was gagging to tell her friends about the surprise party. (她渴望告诉朋友们有关惊喜派对的消息。)
- The controversial artist pushed boundaries with his gagging artwork. (这位有争议的艺术家通过他的禁言艺术作品挑战着界限。)
- The gagging of the witness was seen as an attempt to obstruct justice. (对证人的禁言被视为企图阻碍司法公正。)
- She felt a gagging sensation when she saw the dead animal on the road. (当她看到路上的死动物时,她感到了一种作呕的感觉。)
- The comedian's gagging jokes had the audience in stitches. (喜剧演员的滑稽笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)
- He had a gagging order preventing him from discussing the case with anyone. (他受到了一项禁言令,不得与任何人讨论该案件。)
- The gagging of the whistleblower was seen as an attempt to cover up the truth. (对举报者的禁言被视为掩盖真相的企图。)
- She couldn't help but laugh at the gagging comedy skit. (她情不自禁地笑了起来,对这个滑稽的喜剧小品。)
- The gagging smell from the garbage bin made her hold her breath. (垃圾箱里传来的难闻气味让她屏住了呼吸。)
- The government's gagging of the press was seen as a violation of freedom of speech. (政府对媒体的禁言被视为对言论自由的侵犯。)
- The comedian's gagging performance left the audience in stitches. (这位喜剧演员滑稽的表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
- She felt a gagging sensation when she saw the graphic scene in the horror movie. (当她看到恐怖电影中的血腥场景时,她感到作呕。)
- He was gagging to speak up about the injustice he witnessed. (他渴望公开谈论他目睹的不公正行为。)
- The gagging order prevented the witness from revealing crucial information. (禁言令阻止了证人透露关键信息。)
- The gagging smell of the rotten food made her lose her appetite. (腐烂食物的难闻气味让她丧失了食欲。)
- They were gagging for the truth to be revealed in the scandal. (他们渴望真相在丑闻中被揭示出来。)