1. 想象的;幻想的
2. 爱好的;钟爱的
3. 奇特的;精美的
1. 想象;幻想
2. 欲望;爱好
3. 爱好者;迷恋者
1. fancy vs. imagination
2. fancy vs. desire
1. flight of fancy:幻想;空想
2. fancy dress:化妆舞会
3. fancy goods:精美商品
4. fancy restaurant:高档餐厅
illusion, daydream, whim, preference, liking
reality, fact, dislike, aversion, repulsion
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. adjective
If you describe something as fancy, you mean that it is special, unusual, or elaborate, for example because it has a lot of decoration.
2. noun
Someone's fancies are the things that they particularly like or want.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. Elaborate in structure or decoration.
2. (of a drawing) created with a whimsical or skilful hand.
3. (of a breed of domestic pigeon) larger than the corresponding variety of pigeon.
1. An inclination or liking for.
2. The faculty of imagination.
3. A decorative or festive item.
1. "He had a fancy for expensive cars."
2. "She fancies herself as a great chef."
3. "The children were dressed in fancy costumes for Halloween."
4. "His fancies often take him far away from reality."
5. "I have a fancy to try something new today."
1. He fancies himself as a great singer.(他自认为是一位出色的歌手。)
2. She has a fancy for designer clothes.(她钟爱着名牌服装。)
3. The little girl had a fancy for unicorns.(小女孩对独角兽情有独钟。)
4. His fancy car collection was the envy of all his friends.(他令所有朋友都羡慕不已的是他的汽车收藏品。)
5. The artist's fancy drawings captivated the audience.(艺术家的奇特绘画吸引了观众。)
6. She indulged in flights of fancy while lying on the beach.(她躺在海滩上,陶醉于幻想之中。)
7. The boutique offers a selection of fancy dresses for special occasions.(这家精品店提供各种适合特殊场合的精美礼服。)
8. His fancies often take him far away from reality.(他的幻想经常让他远离现实。)
9. I have a fancy to try something new today.(我今天想尝试一些新鲜事物。)
10. The novel is full of vivid fancies that transport the reader to another world.(这本小说充满了生动的幻想,让读者感觉置身于另一个世界。)
11. His fancy for adventure led him to explore remote regions of the world.(他对冒险的爱好促使他探索世界上偏远的地区。)
12. The fancy restaurant was fully booked for the entire month.(那家高档餐厅整个月份都被预订满了。)
13. The little girl wore a fancy hat with feathers to the tea party.(小女孩戴着一顶带有羽毛的华丽帽子参加了茶会。)
14. His fancies often border on the absurd.(他的幻想常常离奇到近乎荒谬的地步。)
15. The garden was adorned with fancy lanterns for the evening event.(花园里挂满了华丽的灯笼,为晚间的活动增添了装饰。)
16. She entertained a fancy of becoming a world-renowned pianist.(她怀抱着成为世界知名钢琴家的幻想。)
17. The fancy car stood out among the ordinary vehicles on the road.(这辆豪华车在普通车辆中显得突出。)
18. His fancies often take the form of elaborate dreams.(他的幻想常常是精心构思的梦境。)
19. The fancy of a tropical vacation lingered in her mind.(她心中萦绕着对热带度假的幻想。)
20. The children were dressed in fancy costumes for the school play.(孩子们为学校的戏剧表演穿上了华丽的服装。)