- noisy - 吵闹的
- explosive - 爆炸的
- 爆竹
- 鞭炮
- 炮仗
firecracker 是指一种小型的爆炸物,常用于庆祝活动中。
cracker 是指一种发出尖锐声音或爆炸声音的东西。
firecracker(noun): A firecracker is a small paper cylinder that you can light. It makes a loud noise and sometimes produces a bright light. Firecrackers are used to celebrate certain special occasions.
firecracker(noun): A firework that makes a loud noise when it explodes.
1. I bought a pack of firecrackers for the New Year's Eve celebration.(我买了一包爆竹来庆祝除夕。)
2. The children were delighted by the sound of the firecrackers.(孩子们被爆竹的声音所激动。)
- The loud bang of the firecracker startled the cat.(爆竹的巨响吓了一跳的猫。)
- We set off firecrackers to celebrate the victory.(我们放爆竹来庆祝胜利。)
- She lit the firecracker and watched it explode in the sky.(她点燃了爆竹,看着它在天空中爆炸。)
- The neighborhood was filled with the sound of firecrackers during the festival.(在节日期间,整个社区都充满了爆竹声。)
- Firecrackers are traditionally used to ward off evil spirits.(传统上用爆竹驱逐邪灵。)
- The children ran around, holding sparklers and lighting firecrackers.(孩子们围着跑,拿着烟花棒和爆竹。)
- He was injured when a firecracker exploded too close to him.(当一颗爆竹在他身边太近爆炸时,他受伤了。)
- The firecrackers illuminated the night sky with their colorful sparks.(爆竹以其五彩斑斓的火花照亮了夜空。)
- The loud noise of the firecrackers frightened the birds away.(爆竹的巨响吓跑了鸟儿。)
- He was fined for setting off firecrackers in a restricted area.(他因在限制区域放爆竹而被罚款。)
- The firecracker display was the highlight of the festival.(爆竹表演是节日的亮点。)
- She covered her ears to protect them from the loud firecracker noise.(她捂住耳朵以保护它们免受巨大的爆竹声。)
- The children giggled with excitement as they lit the firecrackers.(孩子们兴奋地点燃了爆竹,咯咯地笑着。)
- We could hear the sound of firecrackers in the distance.(我们可以听到远处爆竹的声音。)
- The firecracker exploded with a loud bang, startling everyone nearby.(爆竹发出一声巨响,把附近的人吓了一跳。)
- He handed out sparklers and firecrackers to the children.(他给孩子们发了烟花棒和爆竹。)
- The firecrackers lit up the night sky, creating a beautiful spectacle.(爆竹点亮了夜空,创造了美丽的景象。)
- They gathered around the bonfire, lighting firecrackers and enjoying the festivities.(他们围在篝火旁,点燃爆竹,享受着节日的欢乐。)
- The children squealed with delight as they watched the firecrackers explode.(孩子们看着爆竹爆炸,高兴地尖叫。)
- She carefully lit the fuse of the firecracker and quickly moved away.(她小心地点燃了爆竹的导火线,迅速退开。)