形容词: 1. instructive —— 有教育意义的,有益的 2. instructional —— 教育性的,指导性的
名词: 1. 指导,指示 —— the act of instructing or providing information 2. 用法说明书 —— a document providing information or directions 3. 教学,讲授 —— the activities of teaching or imparting knowledge 4. 课程,教学内容 —— the content or subject matter taught 5. 指令,命令 —— an order or command
instruction, direction, guidance, teaching, education
instruction 通常指明确的指导或命令,强调明确的要求和行动。
direction 强调提供指导或指示的行为。
guidance 强调给予帮助和支持来引导他人。
teaching 强调传授知识和技能的行为。
education 强调培养和发展人的智力和品德。
instruction (noun)
1. the act or practice of instructing or teaching; education
2. a direction or order
3. (computing) a single operation of a computer, performed as a result of a single instruction from a user or program
4. (plural) detailed information about how something should be done or operated
instruction (noun)
1. detailed information about how something should be done, operated, or assembled
2. a direction or order
3. the teaching of a subject or skill
4. (computing) a code or sequence in a computer program that specifies an operation to be performed or data to be manipulated
- Follow the instructions carefully to assemble the furniture correctly. (仔细按照说明书来正确组装家具。)
- The teacher gave clear instructions on how to solve the math problem. (老师对如何解决这道数学题给出了清晰的指导。)
- We need more instruction in the field of technology. (我们在技术领域需要更多的教育。)
- The instruction manual provides step-by-step guidance on how to operate the machine. (说明书提供了逐步操作该机器的指导。)
- He received instructions to report to the manager's office immediately. (他接到指示要立即去经理办公室报到。)
- It is important to give clear instructions when assigning tasks to employees. (在分配任务给员工时,给予明确的指示是很重要的。)
- The instructional video helped me learn how to cook a new recipe. (这个教学视频帮助我学会了如何烹饪一道新菜谱。)
- She is an instructive teacher who always engages her students in interactive learning. (她是一位总是让学生参与互动学习的有教育意义的老师。)
- He ignored the instructions and ended up making a mistake. (他忽视了指示,最终犯了一个错误。)
- The instructions for assembling the toy were too complicated for a child to understand. (对于一个孩子来说,玩具的组装说明太复杂了。)
- The instructional materials provided valuable guidance for teachers in designing effective lessons. (这些教学材料为教师设计有效课程提供了有价值的指导。)
- He gave me directions to the nearest train station. (他给了我去最近的火车站的指示。)
- Parents play a crucial role in providing guidance to their children. (父母在给孩子提供指导方面起着至关重要的作用。)
- The manager issued a command to complete the task by the end of the day. (经理发布命令,在今天结束之前完成任务。)
- The general gave orders to his troops to prepare for battle. (将军向部队下达命令,准备战斗。)