1. 代表性的,具有典型特征的
1. A representative is a person who has been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people.
2. A representative group consists of people who have been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of a larger group.
1. Typical of a class, group, or body of opinion.
2. Having people who are chosen to act and make decisions on behalf of a wider group.
1. The survey aims to provide a representative sample of the population.(这项调查旨在提供一份具有代表性的人口样本。)
2. This painting is representative of the artist's early style.(这幅画是艺术家早期风格的典型作品。)
1. 代表,代理人
1. A representative is a person who has been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people.
2. A representative is a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else at a meeting.
1. A person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others, in particular.
2. A person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body, especially a member of the US House of Representatives or of the lower house in certain state legislatures.
1. The company appointed a representative to negotiate the contract.(公司指派了一位代表来谈判合同。)
2. The representative from the union addressed the concerns of the workers.(工会代表表达了工人们的关切。)
1. The survey aims to provide a representative sample of the population.(这项调查旨在提供一份具有代表性的人口样本。)
2. This painting is representative of the artist's early style.(这幅画是艺术家早期风格的典型作品。)
3. The representative from the union addressed the concerns of the workers.(工会代表表达了工人们的关切。)
4. The company appointed a representative to negotiate the contract.(公司指派了一位代表来谈判合同。)
5. She is a representative of the younger generation.(她是年轻一代的代表。)
6. The meeting was attended by representatives from various countries.(会议有来自各个国家的代表参加。)
7. The elected representative spoke on behalf of his constituents.(这位当选的代表代表选民发言。)
8. The trade union represents the interests of the workers.(工会代表工人们的利益。)
9. He is the company's representative in Japan.(他是公司在日本的代表。)
10. The representative sample was used to draw conclusions about the entire population.(代表性样本被用来得出关于整个人口的结论。)
11. The representative group discussed the proposed changes to the policy.(代表团讨论了对政策的拟议变更。)
12. The representative nature of the study's findings cannot be generalized to the entire population.(这项研究结果的代表性不能推广到整个人口。)
13. The representative government is accountable to the people.(代议制政府对人民负责。)
14. The representative democracy allows citizens to elect their representatives.(代议制民主允许公民选举他们的代表。)
15. The company's representative will be attending the conference.(公司的代表将出席会议。)
16. The representative assembly voted in favor of the new legislation.(代议会投票支持新的立法。)
17. The elected representative serves a term of four years.(当选的代表任期为四年。)
18. The representative body consists of members from different organizations.(代表机构由来自不同组织的成员组成。)
19. The representative office is responsible for managing the company's operations in the region.(代表处负责管理该公司在该地区的运营。)
20. The representative character in the novel symbolizes the struggles of a generation.(小说中的代表性角色象征着一代人的斗争。)