delirious 1. 感到极度兴奋的;狂喜的;发狂的 delirious with joy 高兴得发狂名词
1. (通常指短暂的)神智不清,精神错乱 2. 热性谵妄词语辨析
delirium 通常指短暂的精神错乱状态,如由发热、药物或中毒引起的。 madness 指长时间或慢性的精神错乱状态,使人失去理性和判断力。 insanity 泛指疯狂、精神错乱或失常。词汇扩充
1. deliriousness (名词) 神智不清的状态 2. deliriant (名词) 使人精神错乱的物质近义词
1. frenzy 2. hysteria 3. mania 4. psychosis反义词
1. lucidity 2. clarity柯林斯词典
1. 名词: Delirium is a state of mind in which a person is not thinking or speaking in a sensible and reasonable way, usually because they are very ill and have a fever. 2. 名词: Delirium is a state in which someone is temporarily unable to think or speak clearly because of fever or mental illness. 3. 名词: Delirium is great excitement and happiness that is often violent and difficult to control.
1. 名词: A state of violent excitement or emotion. 2. 名词: A mental state in which someone is confused and not able to think or speak clearly, often because of fever or other illness.
1. He was delirious with fever. 2. The patient was in a state of delirium. 3. The crowd reached a delirium of excitement.
- He was delirious with fever. (他因发烧而神志不清。)
- The patient was in a state of delirium. (病人处于精神错乱状态。)
- The crowd reached a delirium of excitement. (人群达到了极度兴奋的状态。)
- She was delirious with joy when she won the competition. (她在赢得比赛时欣喜若狂。)
- His delirious ramblings made no sense. (他精神错乱的胡言乱语毫无意义。)
- The patient's deliriant state was a result of the medication. (病人的精神错乱状态是药物的副作用。)
- During the fever, she experienced bouts of delirium. (在发烧期间,她经历了一阵阵的神智不清。)
- His deliriousness was caused by excessive alcohol consumption. (他的精神错乱是由于酗酒引起的。)
- The delirium of the crowd was palpable as the team scored the winning goal. (当球队进入了获胜的进球时,人群的狂热是显而易见的。)
- The patient's delirium subsided after receiving proper treatment. (病人在接受适当治疗后,精神错乱症状得到了缓解。)
- Her delirious state made it difficult for the doctors to communicate with her. (她的精神错乱状态使医生们很难与她交流。)
- After days of delirium, he finally regained his lucidity. (经过几天的精神错乱,他终于恢复了清醒。)
- She described her delirium as a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. (她将她的精神错乱描述为一场无法从中醒来的噩梦。)
- The deliriant effects of the drug wore off after a few hours. (药物的精神错乱效果在几个小时后消退了。)
- His delirious behavior alarmed his family and friends. (他精神错乱的行为使他的家人和朋友感到担忧。)
- The patient's delirium was accompanied by hallucinations and confusion. (病人的精神错乱伴随着幻觉和困惑。)
- The delirium caused by the fever made him agitated and disoriented. (发烧引起的精神错乱使他焦躁和迷失方向。)
- Her delirium prevented her from recognizing her own family members. (她的精神错乱使她无法认出自己的家人。)
- He was admitted to the hospital due to delirium tremens caused by alcohol withdrawal. (他因戒酒引起的酒精中毒而被送往医院。)
- The delirium subsided after the patient received appropriate medication. (病人接受了适当的药物治疗后,精神错乱症状得到了缓解。)
- Her delirious state made it challenging for the doctors to diagnose her condition accurately. (她的精神错乱状态使医生们难以准确诊断她的病情。)