1. (elección) - 投票 (vote) - Los ciudadanos ejercieron su voto en las elecciones.The citizens cast their vote in the elections. - 路易斯获得了大多数选民的投票。
Luis received the majority of the voters' vote. - 请在选票上打勾。
Please make a mark on the ballot. 2. (opinión) - (opinión) 看法;观点 (opinion) - Tienes derecho a expresar tu voto en esta cuestión.
You have the right to express your opinion on this matter. - 我对这个问题持中立态度。
I have a neutral vote on this issue.
1. (elección) - (elección) 投票的;选举的 (voting) - El proceso voto por voto se llevó a cabo para garantizar la transparencia.The voting process was carried out vote by vote to ensure transparency. - 选民的投票行为是秘密的。
The voting behavior of the electorate is confidential. 2. (favorable) - (favorable) 赞成的;支持的 (favourable) - Los resultados de la encuesta fueron muy voto al proyecto de ley.
The survey results were very favourable to the bill. - 大多数人对这项政策持支持态度。
The majority of people have a favourable vote on this policy.
- 投票 (vote):指在选举或决策中表达个人意见的行为或过程。 - 看法 (opinion):指个人对某一问题或事物所持的观点、意见或评价。词汇扩充
- 投票站 (polling station):指选举期间供选民进行投票的地点。 - 选民 (electorate/voter):指有权利参与选举并投票的公民。 - 选举 (election):指选择或决定某个职位或事物的过程。 - 表决 (ballot):指通过投票来做出决策或达成共识的过程。 - 支持 (support):表示对某个人、观点或行动的赞同或拥护。近义词
- 票 (papeleta):指在选举中用于投票的纸张或票据。 - 打卡 (check in):指在某个场所或系统中进行签到或记录。反义词
- 弃权 (abstain):指在投票时选择不投票或不表态的行为。柯林斯词典
- voto:名词,意为"vote"。 - El voto por correo se ha vuelto muy popular en los últimos años.Voting by mail has become very popular in recent years.
- voto:名词,意为"vote"。 - Los ciudadanos tienen derecho a un voto libre y justo.Citizens have the right to a free and fair vote.
- Ejercer un voto: 行使投票权 (Exercise a vote) - Emitir un voto: 发表投票意见 (Cast a vote) - Contar los votos: 计票 (Count the votes) - Voto a favor: 赞成票 (Vote in favor) - Voto en contra: 反对票 (Vote against) - Voto nulo: 无效票 (Null vote/Invalid vote)例句
- Los ciudadanos ejercieron su voto en las elecciones.
- Luis received the majority of the voters' vote.
- Please make a mark on the ballot.
- You have the right to express your opinion on this matter.
- I have a neutral vote on this issue.
- The voting process was carried out vote by vote to ensure transparency.
- The voting behavior of the electorate is confidential.
- The survey results were very favourable to the bill.
- The majority of people have a favourable vote on this policy.
- The polling station is where voters can cast their votes.
- The electorate consists of citizens eligible to vote.
- An election is the process of choosing or deciding something.
- Balloting is the process of making decisions or reaching consensus through voting.
- Support is the expression of agreement or endorsement towards a person, viewpoint, or action.
- A papeleta is a paper or document used for voting in an election.
- Checking in refers to the act of signing in or recording in a particular place or system.
- Abstaining is the act of choosing not to vote or take a position during voting.
- Voting by mail has become very popular in recent years.
- Citizens have the right to a free and fair vote.
- Exercise a vote: 行使投票权
- Cast a vote: 发表投票意见
- Count the votes: 计票
- Vote in favor: 赞成票
- Vote against: 反对票
- Null vote: 无效票