- voting [ˈvoʊtɪŋ]:投票的
- voting [ˈvoʊtɪŋ]:投票,选举
- vote [voʊt]:投票,表决
- ballot [ˈbælət]:选票
- poll [poʊl]:民意调查,投票
- voter [ˈvoʊtər]:投票人,选民
- voted [voʊtɪd]:已投票的
- voting booth [ˈvoʊtɪŋ buθ]:投票亭
- voting rights [ˈvoʊtɪŋ raɪts]:选举权
- electing [ɪˈlɛktɪŋ]:选举
- choosing [ˈtʃuzɪŋ]:选择
- abstention [æbˈstɛnʃən]:弃权
- voting:an act, process, or instance of making a choice, typically by a show of hands or by ballot
- voting:the formal expression of a choice, opinion, or wish, either by a show of hands or by ballot
- General elections involve voting for representatives.
- The voting process was quick and efficient.
- They conducted a secret ballot to ensure fair voting.
- The voting booth provides privacy for voters.
- She exercised her voting rights by participating in the election.
- After much debate, the voting results were announced.
- He was a registered voter in his local constituency.
They held a voting to decide on the new club president. (他们进行了一次投票,决定新的俱乐部主席。)
Voting is a fundamental right in a democratic society. (投票是民主社会的基本权利。)
The voting process was overseen by an independent committee. (投票过程由一个独立委员会监督。)
Voting booths were set up in various locations for convenience. (投票亭在各个地点设立以方便选民。)
She exercised her voting rights by participating in the local elections. (她通过参加地方选举行使了她的选举权。)
The voting results were announced after the ballots were counted. (选票计算完毕后,投票结果宣布了。)
Registered voters are eligible to cast their votes in the upcoming election. (登记选民有资格在即将到来的选举中投票。)
They conducted a voting to determine the winner of the singing competition. (他们进行了一次投票,决定唱歌比赛的获胜者。)
Voting rights were granted to women in this country in the early 20th century. (这个国家在20世纪初给予了妇女选举权。)
The voting turnout was higher than expected in the local council election. (在地方议会选举中,投票率高于预期。)
He cast his vote in favor of the new policy. (他投票支持新政策。)
The voting process was smooth and well-organized. (投票过程顺利且组织良好。)
They used electronic voting machines to speed up the voting process. (他们使用电子投票机来加快投票过程。)
Only citizens over the age of 18 are eligible for voting. (只有年满18岁的公民才有资格投票。)
A majority vote is required to pass the proposed bill. (通过提议的法案需要多数票。)
The voting system ensures fairness and transparency in elections. (选举制度确保了选举的公平和透明。)
They announced the voting results during the live television broadcast. (他们在电视直播中宣布了投票结果。)
The voting period for the referendum will last for two weeks. (公民投票的投票期将持续两周。)
Voting by proxy is allowed in certain circumstances. (在某些情况下允许代理投票。)
He was elected as the chairman in a unanimous vote. (他以全票当选为主席。)
They organized a voting campaign to encourage people to exercise their right to vote. (他们组织了一场投票活动,鼓励人们行使投票权。)