1. 脆弱的;易受伤害的;易受攻击的:
英:easily harmed or hurt physically, mentally, or emotionally
- She felt incredibly vulnerable standing alone in the dark. (她感到在黑暗中独自站着非常脆弱。)
- Children are more vulnerable to infections than adults. (儿童比成年人更容易感染疾病。)
2. 易遭受攻击的;易受影响的:
英:easily influenced, harmed, or affected by something
- Small businesses are particularly vulnerable during economic downturns. (小型企业在经济衰退期间特别容易受到影响。)
- The country's economy is vulnerable to fluctuations in oil prices. (该国经济容易受到油价波动的影响。)
3. 易受攻击/伤害的;有弱点的:
英:open to attack or damage; exposed
- The fort's vulnerable position made it an easy target for the enemy. (要塞易受敌人攻击的位置使其成为易于攻击的目标。)
- They exploited the company's vulnerable security system. (他们利用了公司脆弱的安全系统。)
1. 脆弱的人;易受伤害的人:
英:a person who is weak or easily hurt
- The organization provides support for vulnerable groups in society. (该组织为社会上的弱势群体提供支持。)
- Children and the elderly are considered vulnerable in emergency situations. (在紧急情况下,儿童和老年人被认为是易受伤害的。)
1. vulnerable 和 weak 都表示易受伤害或攻击的,但weak更强调身体或力量上的脆弱,而vulnerable更广泛地指易受伤害的情感、心理或社会状态。
He is too weak to walk. (他太弱了,无法行走。)
She felt vulnerable after the breakup. (分手后,她感到很脆弱。)
2. vulnerable 和 exposed 都表示易受攻击或伤害的,但exposed更强调暴露或无保护的状态,而vulnerable更侧重于容易受到伤害。
The troops were exposed to enemy fire. (部队暴露在敌人的炮火下。)
She felt vulnerable without her friends around. (没有朋友在身边,她感到容易受到伤害。)
1. vulnerability (n.) 脆弱;易受伤害;易受攻击
The vulnerability of the system was exposed during the cyber attack. (系统的脆弱性在网络攻击中暴露出来。)
2. vulnerably (adv.) 脆弱地;易受伤地;易受攻击地
The child was standing vulnerably close to the edge of the cliff. (那个孩子站得离悬崖边很近,容易受到伤害。)
3. vulnerableness (n.) 脆弱性;易受伤性;易受攻击性
The vulnerableness of the elderly to scams should not be underestimated. (老年人易受诈骗的脆弱性不应被低估。)
1. defenseless (adj.) 无防御能力的;无抵抗能力的
The defenseless child was left alone in the dangerous neighborhood. (这个无防御能力的孩子被留在了危险的社区里。)
2. susceptible (adj.) 易受影响的;易受感染的
She is susceptible to colds in the winter. (她冬天容易感冒。)
1. invulnerable (adj.) 不会受伤害的;不会受攻击的
He believed himself to be invulnerable to criticism. (他认为自己不会受到批评的伤害。)
2. protected (adj.) 受保护的;有防护的
The endangered species are protected by law. (濒危物种受到法律保护。)
Vulnerable (adj.) If someone or something is vulnerable, they are weak or defenseless, and easy to hurt or attack.
He was very vulnerable after his divorce. (离婚后,他非常脆弱。)
Vulnerable (adj.) Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
He was vulnerable to accusations of favoritism. (他容易受到偏袒的指责。)
1. "vulnerable" 通常用于描述人或物体易受伤害、攻击或影响的状态。
The elderly are particularly vulnerable to the flu. (老年人特别容易感染流感。)
The company's data is vulnerable to cyber attacks. (公司的数据易受网络攻击。)
2. "vulnerable" 可以用作形容词或名词。
She felt vulnerable in her new job. (在新工作中,她感到很脆弱。)
The homeless are among the most vulnerable in society. (无家可归者是社会上最脆弱的群体之一。)
- He is vulnerable to criticism due to his sensitive nature. (由于他敏感的天性,他容易受到批评。)
- The country's infrastructure is vulnerable to natural disasters. (该国的基础设施容易受到自然灾害的影响。)
- She felt vulnerable and exposed after sharing her deepest secrets. (在分享她最深的秘密后,她感到自己很脆弱和暴露。)
- The child's vulnerability touched the hearts of the social workers. (这个孩子的脆弱性触动了社工的心。)
- People living in poverty are often more vulnerable to diseases. (生活在贫困中的人往往更容易患病。)
- The vulnerable old man was taken advantage of by scam artists. (这位脆弱的老人被骗子利用了。)
- She put on a tough exterior to hide her vulnerable side. (她装出坚强的外表来隐藏她脆弱的一面。)
- The company's security system needs to be improved to prevent vulnerable points of entry. (为了防止易受攻击的入口点,该公司的安全系统需要改进。)
- Exposing personal information online can make individuals vulnerable to identity theft. (将个人信息公开在网上会使个人易于受到身份盗窃的威胁。)
- The government is implementing measures to protect vulnerable groups in society. (政府正在实施措施,保护社会上的弱势群体。)
- She felt vulnerable and alone in the new school. (在新学校,她感到脆弱而孤独。)
- The vulnerable child needed extra care and attention. (这个脆弱的孩子需要额外的关心和关注。)
- The soldier's exposed position made him vulnerable to enemy fire. (士兵暴露的位置使他易受敌人的炮火攻击。)
- Her vulnerability made her an easy target for emotional manipulation. (她的脆弱性使她成为情感操纵的容易目标。)
- The vulnerable state of the economy requires immediate action. (经济的脆弱状态需要立即采取行动。)
- She felt vulnerable and lost after the sudden death of her husband. (丈夫突然去世后,她感到脆弱和迷失。)
- The organization provides shelter for vulnerable women and children. (该组织为脆弱的妇女和儿童提供庇护所。)
- Being vulnerable to peer pressure is common among teenagers. (青少年易受同辈压力的影响是很常见的。)
- The vulnerable bird species is at risk of extinction. (这种脆弱的鸟类面临灭绝的风险。)
- He used his vulnerability as a strength by sharing his struggles with others. (他通过与他人分享自己的斗争,将他的脆弱性转化为一种力量。)
- The vulnerable position of the company in the market made it susceptible to takeover bids. (公司在市场中的脆弱地位使其易受收购要约的影响。)