- vulgar(adj.)- 粗俗的,庸俗的
- coarse(adj.)- 粗鄙的,粗野的
- crude(adj.)- 粗俗的,不雅的
- tasteless(adj.)- 无品味的,庸俗的
- vulgarity(n.)- 粗俗,庸俗
- coarseness(n.)- 粗鲁,粗俗
- crudeness(n.)- 粗俗,粗鄙
- tastelessness(n.)- 无品味,庸俗
vulgarity, coarseness, crudeness和tastelessness都表示粗俗、庸俗的含义,区别在于侧重点略有不同。其中vulgarity强调的是粗俗行为或言辞,coarseness侧重于粗鲁、粗野的态度或言行,crudeness着重于粗鄙、不文明的表现,而tastelessness则强调缺乏品味或不雅。
- obscenity(n.)- 淫秽,猥亵
- profanity(n.)- 亵渎,亵言
- rudeness(n.)- 粗鲁,无礼
- offensiveness(n.)- 冒犯,恶心
- impropriety(n.)- 不适当,不得体
- elegance(n.)- 高雅,优雅
- sophistication(n.)- 老练,精明
- refinement(n.)- 精致,文雅
vulgarity(n.)- uncountable noun
- The vulgarity of the comedian's jokes offended many people.
- She was shocked by the vulgarity of their language.
vulgarity(n.)- mass noun
- Her behavior was characterized by a certain vulgarity.
- The film is often criticized for its vulgarity and lack of taste.
- The comedian's vulgarity offended many in the audience. (这位喜剧演员的粗俗冒犯了观众中的许多人。)
- The article criticizes the vulgarity of modern advertising. (这篇文章批评了现代广告的庸俗。)
- His jokes were filled with vulgar innuendos. (他的笑话中充满了粗俗的暗示。)
- I can't stand his coarse language. (我无法忍受他粗鄙的言辞。)
- She was shocked by the crudeness of their behavior. (她对他们行为的粗俗感到震惊。)
- The film's tasteless humor failed to impress the audience. (这部电影庸俗的幽默并未给观众留下深刻印象。)
- His obscenity caused outrage among the crowd. (他的淫秽言行激起了人群的愤怒。)
- The use of profanity in the song offended many listeners. (歌曲中的亵渎用语冒犯了许多听众。)
- I was taken aback by his rudeness. (他的粗鲁行为让我感到吃惊。)
- The offensiveness of his comments made everyone uncomfortable. (他言辞的冒犯性让每个人都感到不舒服。)
- The impropriety of her dress was noticed by everyone at the event. (她的服饰不得体在活动中引起了每个人的注意。)
- The elegance of her attire stood in stark contrast to the vulgarity of the other guests. (她的服饰的优雅与其他客人的粗俗形成了鲜明对比。)
- The film is a perfect example of the coarseness that dominates modern comedy. (这部电影是现代喜剧泛滥的粗俗的完美例子。)
- Her behavior was a clear demonstration of vulgarity. (她的行为明显显示出了她的粗俗。)
- The vulgarity of their jokes made everyone uncomfortable. (他们笑话中的粗俗让每个人都感到不舒服。)
- He couldn't tolerate the tastelessness of their music. (他无法容忍他们音乐的无品味。)
- The vulgarity of the TV show turned many viewers away. (这个电视节目的粗俗使许多观众不再关注。)
- Despite the film's crudeness, it became a commercial success. (尽管这部电影粗俗,但它取得了商业上的成功。)
- She was offended by the vulgarity of their conversation. (她对他们谈话的粗俗感到冒犯。)
- The vulgarity of his behavior was shocking to everyone present. (他的行为的粗俗对在场的每个人都感到震惊。)
- His coarse remarks were met with disapproval from the audience. (他粗鲁的言论遭到了观众的反对。)