vulval: [adjective] relating to or characteristic of the vulva名词
vulva: [noun] the external part of the female sexual organs, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vaginal opening词语辨析
vulva 是一个医学术语,用于描述女性外生殖器的外部部分。它是一个名词,没有其他同义词或反义词。词汇扩充
vulval discharge: [noun] any abnormal fluid secreted from the vulva vulvitis: [noun] inflammation of the vulva柯林斯词典
vulva: The vulva is the part of a woman's body that is between her legs and that includes the opening of her vagina.牛津词典
vulva: The external part of the female genitals; the vulva includes the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vaginal opening.用法
常见搭配: - swollen vulva: 肿胀的外阴 - itching vulva: 痒的外阴 - vulva pain: 外阴疼痛 - vulva discomfort: 外阴不适例句
- She experienced itching and redness in her vulva.(她的外阴发痒并出现红肿。)
- The swollen vulva is a symptom of an underlying infection.(肿胀的外阴是潜在感染的症状。)
- Proper hygiene is important for maintaining vulval health.(良好的卫生对于保持外阴健康很重要。)
- She felt a sharp pain in her vulva during intercourse.(性交过程中她感到外阴剧烈疼痛。)
- It is common for the vulva to become more sensitive during pregnancy.(在怀孕期间,外阴变得更加敏感是很常见的。)
- She noticed a strange discharge from her vulva and decided to see a doctor.(她注意到外阴有一种奇怪的分泌物,并决定去看医生。)
- Regular check-ups are recommended to detect any abnormalities in the vulva.(建议定期检查以发现外阴的任何异常情况。)
- The vulval itching can be alleviated with a topical cream.(可以用局部药膏缓解外阴瘙痒。)
- She experienced vulvar discomfort after using a scented soap.(使用有香味的肥皂后,她感到外阴不适。)
- The vulva is a sensitive area that requires gentle care.(外阴是一个需要温柔呵护的敏感区域。)
- The doctor examined her vulva for signs of infection.(医生检查了她的外阴是否有感染的迹象。)
- The vulva is an important part of the female reproductive system.(外阴是女性生殖系统的重要组成部分。)
- She experienced pain and swelling in her vulva after giving birth.(分娩后,她的外阴感到疼痛和肿胀。)
- Vulvitis can cause itching, redness, and soreness in the vulva.(外阴炎会导致外阴瘙痒、发红和疼痛。)
- She noticed a small bump on her vulva and decided to have it examined.(她注意到外阴上有一个小肿块,并决定进行检查。)
- The labia minora are located inside the labia majora in the vulva.(小阴唇位于外阴唇内部。)
- The clitoris is a highly sensitive organ located near the top of the vulva.(阴蒂是位于外阴顶部附近的一个高度敏感的器官。)
- The vulva plays a crucial role in sexual pleasure and reproduction.(外阴在性快感和生殖中起着关键作用。)
- She experienced discomfort and pain in her vulva during menstruation.(月经期间,她感到外阴不适和疼痛。)
- The doctor advised her to keep the vulva clean and dry to prevent infections.(医生建议她保持外阴清洁干燥,以预防感染。)
- She noticed a foul odor coming from her vulva, indicating a possible infection.(她注意到外阴有一种难闻的气味,可能表示有感染。)