- wallpaper:壁纸;墙纸 - virtual:虚拟的;实质上的 - dynamic:动态的;有活力的近义词(Synonyms)
- video wallpaper - animated wallpaper反义词(Antonyms)
- static wallpaper - still wallpaper柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- 无相关信息牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- 无相关信息用法
- I love the vwallpaper on my phone. (我喜欢我手机上的视频壁纸。) - The vwallpaper adds a dynamic touch to my computer desktop. (视频壁纸为我的电脑桌面增添了动感。) - She changed her vwallpaper to a beautiful sunset scene. (她将她的虚拟壁纸换成了一个美丽的日落场景。) - The vwallpaper can be customized with different themes and effects. (可以使用不同的主题和效果定制虚拟壁纸。) - He prefers static wallpapers over vwallpapers. (他更喜欢静态壁纸而非视频壁纸。)例句(Bilingual Example Sentences)
- I love the vwallpaper on my phone. 我喜欢我手机上的视频壁纸。
- The vwallpaper adds a dynamic touch to my computer desktop. 视频壁纸为我的电脑桌面增添了动感。
- She changed her vwallpaper to a beautiful sunset scene. 她将她的虚拟壁纸换成了一个美丽的日落场景。
- The vwallpaper can be customized with different themes and effects. 可以使用不同的主题和效果定制虚拟壁纸。
- He prefers static wallpapers over vwallpapers. 他更喜欢静态壁纸而非视频壁纸。
- The vwallpaper on his laptop features a mesmerizing underwater world. 他笔记本电脑上的虚拟壁纸展现了一个迷人的水下世界。
- She set her vwallpaper to display a slideshow of her favorite photos. 她将她的视频壁纸设置成了一个她最喜欢的照片幻灯片。
- The vwallpaper changes according to the time of day, displaying sunrise, daytime, sunset, and night scenes. 视频壁纸会根据一天的时间变化,展示日出、白天、日落和夜晚的场景。
- He downloaded a vwallpaper app to personalize his phone's home screen. 他下载了一个视频壁纸应用来个性化他手机的主屏幕。
- The vwallpaper of a crackling fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. 一个炙热的壁炉视频壁纸在房间里营造出了温馨的氛围。
- She chose a vwallpaper with falling leaves to match the autumn season. 她选择了一个有落叶效果的视频壁纸,以配合秋季。
- The vwallpaper of a tropical beach makes me feel like I'm on vacation. 一个热带海滩的视频壁纸让我感觉自己在度假。
- He set his vwallpaper to display a looped video of a thunderstorm. 他将他的视频壁纸设置成了一个连续播放的雷暴视频。
- The vwallpaper shows a time-lapse of blooming flowers, capturing their beauty in motion. 视频壁纸显示了盛开花朵的延时摄影,捕捉到了它们的动态美。
- She changed her vwallpaper to a mesmerizing galaxy animation. 她将她的视频壁纸换成了一个令人着迷的星系动画。
- The vwallpaper of swimming fish creates a calming effect on the viewer. 游动鱼群的视频壁纸给观看者带来宁静的效果。
- He customized his vwallpaper with a personal video of his pet dog. 他使用一段宠物狗的个人视频定制了他的视频壁纸。
- The vwallpaper changes its theme and color scheme according to the weather conditions. 视频壁纸会根据天气条件变化其主题和配色方案。
- She prefers vwallpapers with nature scenes, such as forests, waterfalls, and mountains. 她更喜欢有关自然场景的视频壁纸,比如森林、瀑布和山脉。
- The vwallpaper of a crackling fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. 一个炙热的壁炉视频壁纸在房间里营造出了温馨的氛围。
- He downloaded a vwallpaper app to personalize his phone's home screen. 他下载了一个视频壁纸应用来个性化他手机的主屏幕。