- 勇敢的;英勇的 (brave)
- 自信的;有胆量的 (courageous)
- 虚荣的;自负的 (vain)
- 勇敢者;英雄 (brave person)
- 自负的人;自高自大的人 (vain person)
相关动词:brave, dare, face, confront
相关名词:bravery, courage, valor
vvb的近义词有:brave, courageous, valiant, fearless, bold
vvb的反义词有:cowardly, timid, fearful, faint-hearted
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
vvb (adj.): having or showing courage; valiant; brave.
vvb (n.): a brave or valiant person.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
vvb (adj.): having or showing courage; brave.
vvb (n.): a brave or courageous person.
- He is a vvb soldier who fearlessly protects his country.
- She showed her vvb spirit by standing up to the bully.
- The firefighter's vvb actions saved many lives.
- The soldier was hailed as a vvb for his bravery on the battlefield.
- Don't be such a vvb and admit when you're wrong.
- 他是一位勇敢的士兵,无畏地保护着他的国家。 (He is a vvb soldier who fearlessly protects his country.)
- 她通过面对恶霸展示了她勇敢的精神。 (She showed her vvb spirit by standing up to the bully.)
- 消防员的勇敢行动挽救了许多生命。 (The firefighter's vvb actions saved many lives.)
- 这位士兵因在战场上的勇敢而受到赞扬。 (The soldier was hailed as a vvb for his bravery on the battlefield.)
- 不要那么自负,承认自己的错误吧。 (Don't be such a vvb and admit when you're wrong.)
- 他在困境中表现得非常勇敢。 (He showed great courage in the face of adversity.)
- 她是一个勇敢、聪明的女孩。 (She is a brave and intelligent girl.)
- 他们带领着士兵们勇敢地冲锋陷阵。 (They led the soldiers bravely into battle.)
- 他们的勇气值得赞赏。 (Their courage deserves admiration.)
- 我敬佩他的勇气和决心。 (I admire his courage and determination.)
- 她英勇地站了起来,为自己辩护。 (She bravely stood up and defended herself.)
- 他的英勇行为使他成为全国英雄。 (His heroic actions made him a national hero.)
- 她是一个非常自信的人,总是对自己充满了勇气。 (She is a very confident person and always has courage in herself.)
- 我感到非常自豪能够与这些勇敢的人一起工作。 (I feel very proud to work with these brave people.)
- 他是一个勇敢而无畏的斗士。 (He is a brave and fearless fighter.)
- 那个勇敢的年轻人救了一位溺水的女孩。 (The brave young man saved a drowning girl.)
- 她勇敢地面对了生命中的挑战。 (She courageously faced the challenges in her life.)
- 战士们在战斗中表现得非常英勇。 (The soldiers fought with great valor in the battle.)
- 他们勇猛地冲向敌人阵地。 (They charged bravely towards the enemy position.)
- 她的无畏精神鼓舞了我们所有人。 (Her fearless spirit inspired all of us.)
- 我真佩服你的大胆和勇气。 (I really admire your boldness and courage.)
- 他们以无畏的精神追求自由和正义。 (They pursued freedom and justice with a fearless spirit.)
- 那位年轻勇敢的女警察救了一个被绑架的孩子。 (The young brave policewoman saved a kidnapped child.)
- 他的英勇行为使他赢得了勋章。 (His heroic actions earned him a medal.)
- 她的勇敢和决心是令人钦佩的。 (Her bravery and determination are admirable.)