1. 有毒的;剧毒的 - toxic; poisonous 2. 有害的;恶劣的 - harmful; detrimental名词
1. VX(一种神经毒剂) - VX (a type of nerve agent) 2. 聚乙二醇醋酸酯 - polyethylene-vinyl acetate词语辨析
- Vx是一种神经毒剂,属于有毒的、剧毒的,与其他化学武器相比,其毒性更高。词汇扩充
- 神经毒剂 (nerve agent) - 化学武器 (chemical weapon) - 毒性 (toxicity) - 毒剂 (poison) - 血清 (serum) - 解毒剂 (antidote) - 防护服 (protective suit)近义词
- poison gas - nerve gas - chemical agent反义词
- antidote - vaccine柯林斯词典
- 暂无相关信息牛津词典
- 暂无相关信息用法
- VX是一种剧毒的化学武器,其在战争和恐怖袭击中被禁止使用。相关例句
- 这种神经毒剂非常危险,接触一点点就足以致命。 This nerve agent is extremely dangerous. Just a tiny bit of exposure can be lethal.
- VX被列为世界上最致命的化学武器之一。 VX is classified as one of the deadliest chemical weapons in the world.
- 这种剧毒化学物质在接触时会迅速侵入人体并破坏神经系统。 This highly toxic chemical substance rapidly penetrates the body upon contact and disrupts the nervous system.
- 士兵们佩戴着防护服,以防止VX的接触。 The soldiers wear protective suits to prevent exposure to VX.
- 这个恐怖组织被怀疑制造和使用了VX。 The terrorist organization is suspected of manufacturing and using VX.
- 为了保护人们免受VX的伤害,紧急撤离和隔离措施被迅速采取。 Emergency evacuation and isolation measures were quickly implemented to protect people from VX harm.
- 科学家们一直在研究VX的解毒剂,以提供对中毒者的治疗。 Scientists have been researching antidotes for VX to provide treatment for those affected by poisoning.
- 这种化学武器的制造和储存被禁止,并受到国际公约的严格限制。 The production and storage of this chemical weapon are prohibited and subject to strict restrictions under international treaties.
- 政府已经采取措施确保公众免受VX泄漏的风险。 The government has taken measures to ensure the public is protected from the risk of VX leakage.
- 警察正在对这起涉及VX的恐怖袭击进行调查。 The police are investigating the terrorist attack involving VX.
- 这个国家加强了对潜在化学恐怖袭击的防范,特别是针对VX的使用。 The country has strengthened its defense against potential chemical terrorist attacks, particularly those involving VX.
- 他被指控持有VX,企图用它作为杀人工具。 He was charged with possession of VX and attempting to use it as a murder weapon.
- 专家们正在努力开发一种能够快速检测VX的方法。 Experts are working on developing a rapid detection method for VX.
- 由于它的剧毒性,VX被认为是一种非常危险且禁止使用的化学武器。 Due to its high toxicity, VX is considered a highly dangerous and prohibited chemical weapon.
- 这种神经毒剂的效果非常迅速,几分钟内就能够导致死亡。 The effects of this nerve agent are extremely rapid, causing death within a few minutes.
- 军队进行了紧急演习,以应对可能的VX泄漏事件。 The military conducted an emergency drill to respond to a potential VX leakage incident.
- 他们使用防护设备对VX进行了处理,以确保安全。 They handled the VX with protective equipment to ensure safety.
- 这家化学工厂遭到了VX袭击,导致数十人受伤。 The chemical factory was targeted in a VX attack, resulting in dozens of injuries.
- 大规模使用VX将造成灾难性的后果,对环境和人类健康产生长期影响。 The large-scale use of VX would have catastrophic consequences, causing long-term impacts on the environment and human health.
- 国际社会一致谴责恐怖组织使用VX这种残忍的化学武器。 The international community unanimously condemned the terrorist organization for using the cruel chemical weapon VX.
- 他们在战术训练中学习如何应对VX攻击。 They learned how to respond to VX attacks during tactical training.