1. 愚蠢的;古怪的
【英】foolish or eccentric in a humorous or ludicrous way
【例】That comedian always tells wacky jokes.(那个喜剧演员总是讲一些古怪的笑话。)
【例】She has a wacky sense of humor.(她有一种古怪的幽默感。)
2. 疯狂的;荒唐的
【英】madly or recklessly unconventional or irrational; crazy
【例】They came up with a wacky idea to build a roller coaster in their backyard.(他们想出了一个在后院建一个过山车的疯狂主意。)
【例】The movie is a wacky comedy about a group of misfits.(这部电影是关于一群不合时宜的人的疯狂喜剧。)
1. 古怪的人;怪人
【英】a person who behaves in a bizarre or eccentric manner
【例】He's a bit of a wacky.(他有点怪怪的。)
【例】She's known as the office wacky.(她以办公室的怪人而闻名。)
1. wackiness
【英】the quality or state of being wacky
【例】The wackiness of the comedy made everyone laugh.(喜剧的古怪使每个人都笑了。)
funny, eccentric, zany, quirky, offbeat
normal, serious, conventional, sensible
【英】If you describe something or someone as wacky, you mean that they are eccentric, unusual, and often funny.
【例】...a wacky sense of humour.(...一种古怪的幽默感。)
【例】...a wacky idea.(...一个古怪的想法。)
【英】Funny or amusing in a slightly crazy way.
【例】a wacky comedy(古怪的喜剧)
【例】a wacky sense of humor(古怪的幽默感)
1. wacky + noun
【例】a wacky idea(一个古怪的想法)
【例】a wacky sense of fashion(一种古怪的时尚感)
【例】a wacky sense of humor(一种古怪的幽默感)
2. wacky + verb
【例】He wacked his head on the low ceiling.(他的头撞到了低矮的天花板上。)
【例】Don't wack the dog with the stick!(别用棍子打狗!)
- His wacky sense of humor always keeps us entertained.(他古怪的幽默感总是让我们开心。)
- She has a reputation for being a bit wacky.(她因有点古怪而声名狼藉。)
- The wacky professor conducted unusual experiments in his lab.(古怪的教授在实验室里进行了不寻常的实验。)
- They came up with a wacky idea to start a business selling potato chips shaped like celebrities.(他们想出了一个古怪的主意,开设一家销售名人形象的薯片的公司。)
- The wacky performance left the audience in stitches.(古怪的表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
- My brother is a total wacky. He always does strange things to get attention.(我弟弟是个彻头彻尾的怪人,他总是做一些奇怪的事情来引起注意。)
- They dressed up in wacky costumes for the costume party.(他们为化装舞会穿上了古怪的服装。)
- The wacky invention didn't work as expected.(这个古怪的发明没有按预期那样工作。)
- Her wacky behavior often surprises people.(她古怪的行为经常使人惊讶。)
- He told a wacky story that had everyone laughing.(他讲了一个古怪的故事,大家都笑了。)
- The children had fun playing with wacky toys.(孩子们玩得很开心,他们玩着古怪的玩具。)
- The wacky painting caught everyone's attention at the art exhibition.(这幅古怪的画作在艺术展览会上引起了大家的注意。)
- She has a wacky sense of fashion and always wears mismatched clothes.(她有一种古怪的时尚感,总是穿着不搭配的衣服。)
- He's known for his wacky dance moves.(他以他古怪的舞姿而闻名。)
- They had a wacky wedding ceremony with circus performers and a clown officiating.(他们的婚礼上有马戏团演员和一个小丑主持,非常古怪。)
- The wacky professor conducted bizarre experiments in his laboratory.(古怪的教授在实验室里进行了奇怪的实验。)
- She wore a wacky hat to the party and became the center of attention.(她戴着一顶古怪的帽子参加派对,成为了众人关注的焦点。)
- The comedian's wacky performance had the audience roaring with laughter.(那位喜剧演员古怪的表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
- They came up with a wacky plan to build a floating city in the middle of the ocean.(他们想出了一个古怪的计划,在大海中央建造一个漂浮的城市。)
- The wacky characters in the movie made it an enjoyable and lighthearted watch.(电影中古怪的角色使它成为了一部令人愉快和轻松的观影体验。)